Posted November 14, 2013 by @amanhimself in Books, Essay / 0 Comments

Right ho, then.

To start a story is the most dashingly difficult task for any writer. To establish an atmosphere, as they say, is a vexation in itself. You have to make it perfect, otherwise if you went too long or too short for a start your audience will be smoking joints of boredom instead of cigarettes. You know your boat has sunk before it left the shore. Sometimes there are more cigarette butts in my dustbin then words on the paper resting itself with a blank face. The obligation of a writer is to satisfy his audience and have the stamina to complete his work with wittiness. Wittiness I said, otherwise it would be another one of those in which you are doing a book signing and no body turns up. So you end up giving free copies to your friends, the café owner at which you prefer to drink your latte (in my case it would be a bartender). Also a complimentary copy to the owner of the bookshop. Then your book will be on a seventy percent discount on some kart or mart website and still no buyer. Don’t fool your hands and write what you want to write but always keep the word ‘wit’ on your tips.



0 responses to “THE WIT OF WRITING

  1. A bottle of Gin, plenty of tonic, and free-flowing ice have made many an evening of writing flow through my fingers onto the page. Half the time it’s even as good as I thought it was as I wrote it. 🙂

    • Gin and tonic surely helps then. I am eager to try that too 🙂
      For me, sometimes the vibes of writing comes naturally, my mind will go in another state and I’ll just start writing! Other times and most of times, I have to force myself!

  2. Hey

    I agree writing is difficult

    But I believe writing itself should give you a kick and no other factor like alcohol or cigarette that some writers use to induce themselves to write.

    I have written a story Dilemma. I think you wil enjoy it.

    • Well I agree with you that writing itself should work for an author, and I believe efficient writer is one who writes in his conscious!

    • I just finished reading your story. And you write very well. The theme,those two words which haunt us writers, sometimes, is written extraordinarily, even the word length is short. Keep the Good Work, Michelle! 🙂

  3. I must agree with TYVINER, I find that i just cannot write without an ample supply of gin.. and tonic… and at least a picture of a lime 🙂

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