Posted October 9, 2013 by @amanhimself in Essay, MyWorks / 0 Comments

On an early August morning, wandering alone on the crispy and crumby dead leaves I felt sharp rays of sun appearing betwixt the naked branches of trees. The trees appeared as some broken mannequins, their faces totally blank in aspect to show an expression that if ever a brainy mind ever groom in them or do they have brainless mind already? I felt even if I stand all day long and just stare them, they will still be blank just like the current state of humanity. People don’t react on the consequences and events they should but they do overreact on when they should show least of the interest.

Squirrels were hovering hither and thither trees to hide themselves beneath the shadow of leaves. And they failed to find any. Just like those sinners who try to hide behind someone as if to blame him of their own sins and feeling of guilt. Do sinners even have the feeling of guilt, I wonder? It’s an odd habit among us humans and an old one too, which the with ages being passed, we, humans  have to failed to change in ourselves despite how drastically we have changed materialistically.

This lonely path was unclear and far away had a blurry glimpse of what might come but still I wandered barefooted just like the humanity is living through centuries. With the every step I took, a monotonous effect of sound came from crumbling of the dead leaves. I usually encountered some small pointed pebbles which would pinch right through the skin like through the soul, only to make it hard and to suffer from severe pain for an instance. I wondered, humanity is like this only. No matter how many centuries we had endured we still are unable to omit small-small negative notions in our society and day to day living which eventually effect us in bigger sense. They are nothing but pain in vain.


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