Genres: Fiction

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“One flew east
One flew west
One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.”
When does a novel becomes a classic? When it’s digested by critics and teachers bit-by-bit. Not when it is adapted to a movie. However, I don’t fully agree with the existing theory of a novel being called a classic. And no, I am not discussing my theory of classic, at least today.
Before reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, I had never really thought about insanity, how it is dealt with, and how it relates to ideas such as freedom and morality. In this classic novel, Ken Kesey with a thought-provoking narrative by the half-white, half-Indian Chief “Broom” Bromden, who is a patient at a cruel and oppressive insane asylum. He pretends to be deaf and dumb, but he sees, and tells the reader, everything. He and his fellow patients are ruled by the iron fist of a harsh nurse who controls them by reminding them of all that is wrong with them. Nobody even considers fighting back until an unusual patient arrives, a cheerful man named McMurphy. His mini-rebellions against Nurse Ratched give the inmates hope that they can defy their oppressor and escape the prison that the hospital has become, despite their disabilities. By stepping up to the position of leader and hero to the patients, McMurphy gives the others hope and courage.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest shows just how crucial one person’s optimism can be. It is a story of struggle, hope, and the faith that an individual can breed in the hearts of man. It is an amazing piece of writing and Kesey words have different impact on each reader, and the topics are intriguing. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in contemplating some controversial and at times uncomfortable issues.
This is one of those books I’ve always meant to read but never got around to doing so – thanks for the reminder that I really must seek out a copy.
You’re welcome 😊 it’s a good read!
Kesey was a true ground breaker. His stuff hasn’t become “dated.”
Truly said!
This is one of my all-time favourites. Glad you liked it, too.
It is my all-time favorite too now 🙂
This is one of those rare titles where a brilliant book was made into a brilliant film, the only others I can think of are “The Godfather” and “Fight Club”.
I haven’t seen the movie yet but will look out for it! 🙂
I saw the movie a long time before I read the book. The 1975 movie won 5 Oscars and established Jack Nicholson (who played McMurphy) as a Hollywood star.
I read this one years ago and i couldn’t put it down, but i’m a little older now and maybe it needs a re-read.
Haha.. If you re-read it do tell me how was the experience? 😀
Wow how intriguing…it’s almost as if the people are prisoners both in their minds and in the outside world.
Yes.. I observe that same thing many a times.