Genres: Fiction, Classics

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens is considered to be the most closest work resembling Dickens life. It is autobiographical. is the story of a young man’s adventures on his journey from an unhappy and impoverished childhood to the discovery of his vocation as a successful novelist.
There is a funny anecdote related to this book. At the time when I was reading David Copperfield, a friend of mine tells me that the first book Sigmund Freud gave his fiancee, Martha Bernays, on their engagement in 1882. At the moment, I wanted to question his anecdote but I thought it otherwise. I said to myself, ‘Why not read this 900 pages book and find the answer to that ‘why’ myself?’ And indeed I did.
The first half of the novel begins with the childhood of David Copperfield. The childhood starts of with his father’s death only when he is three years old. His mother, very young, pretty, and inexperienced, raises the boy with the help of her loyal maid, Clara Peggoty. Things go well, young David is growing up in a happy, loving home until his mother marries again. David’s stepfather, believes that firmness is the only way of dealing with boys. He ends up sending Davy away to a boarding school run by a cruel schoolmaster.
When David’s mother dies, Mr. Murdstone decides that even this kind of education is too good for his stepson and promptly gets rid of him by sending him to London, to work at a blacking factory. David is only ten when that happens. After many trials, he decides to run away and search for his aunt who eventually adopts him.
The second half of David Copperfield displays Dickens at his best. A reader will certainly adore and admire Dickens writing manner. The most solid foundation of the book, I consider are the characters. Dickens typically seems to employ static characters to represent the good and bad elements of life and nature. Every character is given his own distinctive and instantly recognizable voice. Some of them are timeless including the Copperfield himself.
As the story picks up and becomes more complicated, with David Copperfield establishing himself in business, falling in love, breaking friendships, and traveling abroad, the language weave an interesting web around him and his journey, one which connects the reader to David and encourages him to come along, to see what happens, to experience what David was experiencing. If more, Dickens draws revealingly on his own experiences to create this story with equal measure of tragedy, and comedy. The last hundred pages become a drag as Dickens closes on various characters lives along with the protagonist and narrator, David Copperfield. Though the conclusion is satisfying enough. There is no doubt David Copperfield is one of the best work of Charles Dickens.
4 out of 5
I saw Dickens’ great grandson Gerald perform a one-man show of A Christmas Carol this December, and it made me curious about Dickens the man. His biography is fascinating, too! Nice post–thank you.
You’re welcome. Is there some specific biography?
I looked at Charles Dickens: A Life by Claire Tomalin; there are so many stories of Dickens’ life!
Thanks, I’d take a look into it!
[…] BOOK REVIEW: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens […]
I’ve been wanting to read some Dickens but the length of his novels is a huge deterrent right now. I think the next time I have a long trip, I’ll take one of his books along – I own a (still unread) copy of A Tale of Two Cities.
Indeed they are long but I would say all of his novels I have read are well elaborated. A Tale of Two Cities is good.
Very interesting! I had heard a few of these things before but appreciate your review putting the pieces together.
I am glad you read the review.
David Copperfield is one of my favourite books – and I enjoyed this review.
Thank you so much for reading this 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on CBD. Regards
Very much
[…] Review: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens […]
True, it’s hard to find a *short* Dickens work (unless you include “A Christmas Carol” :)). *A Tale of Two Cities* isn’t bad, but I swear by *David,* *Little Dorrit*, *Our Mutual Friend.*
It’s in my tbr list, however, the length of the novel hampers me from reading.
Urrrrgh! David Copperfield! I was forced to read, memorise and write about that book for my GCE exams at school 50 years ago, and I HATED it. Possibly because, although I love to read, I want to choose what books I read and not have them forced on me, and possibly because at 16 years old I wanted something a bit more racy in pace, and Copperfield just goes on and on forever. So it’s interesting to know that you enjoyed it. Perhaps one day I will be mature enough to tackle Dickens!
Perhaps you will 🙂
Still his best work, though Oliver Twist is a serious contender.
so love anything Dickens – I agree with you, tho, Jaq – so happy you posted this, @amanhimself – seeing people discuss literature makes me smile 🙂
I am glad this intrigued you! Thank you 🙂
Reblogged this on Greek Canadian Literature.
Isn’t David Copperfield a magician?
Any writer who loves Dickens is a writer I know I want to follow! Great review, btw.
Thank Mr. Graham. 🙂 Dickens is at the core of my reading habit.
Actually, it’s Ms., but you can call me Martha. 🙂 Any friend of Dickens is a friend of mine!
My sincere apologies Martha.
You should be following Charlton Daines then. He writes some wonderful Dickens inspired stuff!
Thank you for recommendation. I’ll take a look!
No apologies necessary! It happens all the time. My problem is that my name is also the dancer’s, so I use M.K.B. instead.
Well written and succinct.
Sir could i send you my book?
Ofourse sir. I am currently accepting paid reviews. We can discuss more over my email:
ok, i shall send you a mail.
Like you said, this book is one of dicken’s best works! It was actually the first book that introduced me to the vast world of his novels, and it is still my favourite.
My first Dickens novel was Oliver Twist but this had a major affect on me and my future readings.
I remember David C to be really depressing, not as good as To2C.
Great review, though I wondered what you thought about the child-bride Dora.
Thanks! As I remember, she was portrayed as an immature character but an she learns her way to redemption when she meets Agnes and falls ill.
oh yeah, the helpless adult who grows up and promptly dies. no wonder i forgot 🙁
Great post and timely. Great site, thanks for coming by. My play which included Dickens was performed just before last Christmas. The main focus was Ada Lovelace, but in writing the play I learned more and more about Dickens – and was astounded. Also, I’ve decided to work this play into a novel and will start on 1st September. Also, another story brewing is around Freud and his times. So your post couldn’t have been more interesting/exciting even. And there are many more. I plan to read it in full later today. And, at the Margate Bookie, I had only just complained about the responses I have been getting to my blog and had more or less stopped. So thanks a million on many levels and I look forward to reading your work in full. How lucky we are….
Thank you for visiting too. Good luck on your novel. I will definitely look for it when it comes out. Indeed we are. 😄
When I was a child in the UK, every Sunday afternoon we had an adaption of a Dicken’s novel on TV. I found these shows very frightening as the characters and their predicaments were too real.
Re-reading some of his work in early adulthood, I now saw it as being a caricature of his times.
Today with advancing years, I believe he is writing both; he was writing life.
Anyone agree?
I do. He certainly has covered a lot about life in his books and one does not fail to recognise that. That is a thing about reading Dickens novels.
a good review and assessment.
Good book review! Thanks.
I have been trying to read it but the number of pages scares me. You posed a good review, so I think I should read it one day.
Definitely consider it reading. When reading you won’t have any problems with its length 🙂
Read it long time back. Used to be a lover of English classics and continue to do so.
Me too. I love reading them as they capture a time and characters that are evergreen 🙂