Genres: Nonfiction, Self Help

Published April 15th 2017
Pages 200
From the time I put my hands on Nirmal Yadav’s latest non-fiction book, “Feel, Deal and Heal” considering the amount of books in self-help genre as a whole, I had good vibes.
She starts by acknowledging the question we all wonder, the one that concerns an individual’s happiness. Man is a social and emotional creature. Be it the professional or the personal sphere, emotions are the driving force behind all our thinking, behaviour and actions. The problem is that we are the product of a dysfunctional society that teaches us to be ashamed and afraid of our feelings and trains us to suppress not express.
Nirmal Yadav in this book has provided suggestions with her own life experiences and anecdotes that fits best in the context and focuses on an individual’s mind, heart and one thing that connects them: feelings.
This text is not a magic wand that will heal your thoughts as well your soul but it does provides ways to outcome that seed of negativity. On average, daily a person come across around 60,000 thoughts and it’s really hard to organize them and disconnect from ones that are sabotaging. It becomes hard again if we do not focus on what we are thinking, but acknowledge them in a manner that concern our happiness and of others around us, is what the author has done with this book. She has provided enough recipes to go through highlighting the key points for reference in form of block quotes.
The book is divided into three parts, the first concerns topics related to our emotions such as happiness, ego, thoughts and how to be aware of them, emotions like anger and worry. Second part takes the initiative of providing suggestions to make conscious choices and responsibilities of our own lives. The last part focuses on singleton subjects but essential ones like matrimony, parenting, children, teens and their troubles and old age.
Overall, the book has a lot to offer. Her writing is simple, easy to understand, and her advice and suggestions are as easy to grasp and apply them in our daily lives. My only concern is that the illustration provided is not enough or does not work with genesis of the text. It could have been better.
If you are looking forward to read some words of wisdom or struggling to cope with daily musings, this book is for you.
4 out of 5!
About the Author
Daughter of a newspaper publisher, life comes full circle for author Nirmal Yadav as her first book goes into print. Born in a small town of Haryana, she married a soldier at the age of 21 and signed up for three decades of a nomadic life-living, learning and unlearning, all around the country, eventually with two kids in low. While her husband led a regiment, she chose to lead a classroom and spent many years teaching.
Finding herself in the predicament of no longer anchoring her family’s life, her own children grown up and gone, she took a courageous leap towards a new career. She trained as a psychotherapist and tread the way to rediscovering herself while helping others in turmoil.
Nirmal has spent a good part of her life working of various social service organizations. This book is a collection of life lessons and hard-earned wisdom and it promises to be a reliable companion at every life stage.
Note: I received this book from the publisher but that doesn’t mean my review is breaking all the rules.
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She has a fascinating life story. I am sure she has a lot of life experience to bring to her therapy practice.
I got hooked on her books…it was that good. Simple contemporary language yet soooo effective.