Genres: Fiction

Pages: 260, Paperback
Published: June 2017 by Notion Press
Cover Rating: 4/5
It does feel good after reading a good book. Such is Pooja Mishra’s latest title, Seven Doors of Satan. A magical world, faraway from the urban comforts, is a hidden desert of Bahens that shines like chimera.
The storyline revolves around a tribe called Kingpin that resides in the desert and all the members of that tribe wear masks of backwardness to fool the rest of the world. Aura, who joined the same tribe as a child, has a gift of supernatural powers. Temped by her magical charm, the chief of another Tribe is hunting down the people of Kingpin. He is manipulating people of Kingpin tribe and disrupting their world. Aura, who becomes aware of this seeks freedom.
When I saw the cover, I became curious by the title of this book and upon reading it, I can say, the plot completely justifies the title. The plot is based in a fantasy sub-world that exists with real world. The best way to describe the plot is that it consists of struggles and perceptions that we often face in real life and our desire to overcome them lead to various actions. Similar is the storyline of this book. In just 250+pages a reader not only experiences another world, the author clearly welcomes any reader, in her beautiful mind. Written in third-person narrative, the book is fast-paced.
There are a good amount of characters that fill up the dramatis personae in this book. A reader only half way through can easily notice that the narration is driven forward by these fascinating characters. I am not going to pick favorites since each of them have is display of one or the other qualities of morality. It is easy to identify with them.
The writing style is complimentary. With intriguing vocabulary at display, the author has created a world that will stay with me for some time.
A must read of fantasy lovers.
4 out of 5
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