Genres: Fiction

Pages: 480, Kindle Edition
Published: October 2017
Cover Raing: 3/5
Origin is the new book in the series casting Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology. Written by Dan Brown who seem yet not completely gratified and fascinated through his own writing that mostly concern the paradoxical interplay between science and religion.
Most of the readers, including me, got curious by Robert Langdon and Brown’s writing after he released The Da Vince Code. However, it is not my favourite book written by him. I like Angels and Demons better more but what is keeping me interested in his work after all these years is his simple presentation by entwining science and religion.
The plot is form out of a series of events that are captivating. This time, the writer takes us to Spain where a forty-year old billionaire, inventor futurist is about to reveal an astonishing breakthrough about the origin of life of human beings. His secret, he determines will reveal two questions that is question by each existing person on this planet irrespective of the timeline.
Where did we come from?
Where will we go from here?
This is the core of the plot and not a spoiler. You will get it by reading the blurb of the book. So no spoiler alert. Edmond Kirsch, the billionaire, does his experiments and research and is about to reveal his results in the form of a presentation to the whole world through live stream and a handful of people he personally invites to an ultramodern Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. He had been a student of professor Langdon in the past and thus Langdon gets an invitation too. However, before revealing his secret to the whole world, Kirsch reveals it to three prominent religious heads in private meeting which leads to the core of the trouble. To navigate dark corridors of hidden history and extreme religion, Langdon and his side-kick have to fight this time to an enemy in the Spain’s Royal Palace itself.
The storyline develops as any reader will find himself turning pages. It grows and becomes thrilling at various points. From page one I was hooked. The scenery described by author was fascinating to me. There isn’t much to say about writing style, might be not writer’s best effort there, all I can say it is simple to grasp and move further. There isn’t much action in this novel as Brown’s hardcore fans are use to but there is a puzzle to solve and that is amusing enough.
Main characters that have a major role to play are plain. The character of Edmond Kirsch does bring some interest but his invention is more fascinating. There is no play of words here. Here, Brown’s trying to build a puzzle to solve which in fact is solvable. Talking about his invention reminds me, I think the author has played really well here with the plot by utilising the
technology and showcase in a realist way, some readers might hard to absorb that and I want to say it is okay. It might be not the reality but a near future. There are enough twists and turns in the book. I want to say, it is novel that you can finish in no time since it is a page turner and an enjoyable one. It’s pure a thriller with a good plot.
4 out of 5
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Great review.. I have yet to read this. Thanks
It’s a good book 😁
I love the sound of this already!
I thought the series had already reached it’s best.
I think the same but this one differs.
Whoa, it sounds like an interesting book! I’ve added this to my TBR list, and I’m sure I’ll be able to get it in the near future, with all the Diwali money I’m getting😁
BTW, Happy Diwali!
Same to you too (belated)! 🙂
I have so far only seen the movies, but have not read of the novels yet. As with so many books, it is a question of finding (or making lol) some time for them. This one sounds likes very interesting one. Great review! 😀
Thanks. It indeed is hard to find time for books with so many of them.
Looking forward to reading this…
Thanks for the review. It’s on my list to read.
Glad to hear that 🙂
Good review. I have always felt Dan Brown lacks finesse or style in writing, and now of course he will be writing with an eye on the inevitable movie that will be made. But sounds a good read in any case, if I can overlook those factors. 👍
Indeed if you can overlook those factors. It’s a good book, I keep saying that and it is. His earlier works were better.
Oh god, I don’t think I can stand another formulaic Dan Brown novel, but glad you found it interesting. Cheers.
Cheers Jeff!
Good review. I actually like his non-Langdon novels better, but just keep reading what he writes. Will need to pick this one up.
Thanks! Yeah, Digital Fortress is a good thriller with a great plot of its time.
Thanks for this great book review. I just love Origin. After i found your review i start searching the book and finally found it on t. The book it’s great! Everyone should read it. I will start and read more books by this author because i loved this book so much. Thanks again for your top review. You must keep making more because i like your style of writing. ❤
Thank you for your kind words.