BOOK REVIEW: Zero Debt by Neeraj Deginal

Posted November 9, 2017 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 2 Comments

Zero Debt by Neeraj Deginal
Genres: Nonfiction

Pages: 112, Kindle Edition

Published: 2017 by Happy Self Publishing

Cover Rating: 3/5

The modernisation is leading to an increase in debt cycles of an individual. We have seen that in the last decade, and what may the future holds. This is the core foundation of Neeraj Deginal’s latest book Zero Debt: Break the Debt Cycle and Reclaim Your Life, a part memoir and other half of the book is full of some pragmatic advice.

The book starts by discussing author’s life and how he started his career. It leads to cover up the most important decade of his life which includes settling in job and getting married. Often these two aspects of one’s life are enough to analyse anyone’s situation rationally since an individual daily activities are bind to them. He then comes to a partial conclusion on how he started a self-movement and came up to a realisation to lead a life without credit cards and finding effective ways to manage personal finances.

The second half of the book discusses these effective, pragmatic, experiences from author’s own life. His emphasis on mental peace, especially conveyed through a beautiful dialogue between a Harvard graduate and a fisherman, clearly put in me wonders on why realising that financial freedom is a big aspect of overall freedom an individual intends to possess.

It is non-fiction work and the narrative voice is smooth, moves in a flow and understandable. The writing style is good. Divided in several short chapters, a reader will be able to grasp the message the writer wants to convey in short period of time. I do feel if some chapters from the first and the second half of the book could have a coexistence or presented simultaneously, this context of the book would be better for a reader to be intrigued by.

I will recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning about ways financial independence can work for an individual with some pragmatic tips that one can easily adapt.

3 out of 5



2 responses to “BOOK REVIEW: Zero Debt by Neeraj Deginal

  1. I grew up before credit cards, so the only debt was a mortgage. Cars were purchased with cash when cash was saved up. We are not in debt now that we are in old age. Many of our friends our age still owe a lot of money both for bigger houses and credit cars. Some of them are still borrowing for boats and such. We like the peace of mind of being debt free and owning our home.

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