Genres: Nonfiction

Pages: 236, Hardcover
Published: 2017
Cover Rating: 5/5
Very few Indian writers talk about money and in the book Dream Big the co authors Mukesh Jindal and Arunraj talk not only about money but offers you pragmatic and healthy tips on financial planning.
This book tries to simplify common financial planning principals such as risk profiling, asset allocation, portfolio construction, and other technical terms such as funds of all kinds (such as mutual, equity) and other investment options. Many young people of India are shy to talk about their own money. The common society norms do interfere with their lives as most dads of these young millenials have a though process that their since their young ones haven’t earned a penny and they have to wait till the time comes. However, in the fast growing, ever changing world, if you are waiting to teach a thing or two about getting smart with money to your own kids even if they are in college, then you are doing parenting wrong. (Maybe your child owns a few bitcoins by now and is already a millionaire).
The vast amount of technicality this book covers in a simple manner. Being a nonfiction work it illustrates concepts that might seem out of reach at first with graphs and flowcharts. There isn’t much into narrative voice though the writing style is smooth and easy to grasp. I admire the way the authors have focused on the taxonomy of investment for Women, Divorced and Senior Citizens under a separate section. I am not going to get in depth here since I will be giving a lot away this book has to offer.
If you are young to already making money or have plans, grab a copy of this and ever wishfully plan your finances. Believe me you will come out smarter than you think you are after reading this one.
4 out of 5!
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