The year 2018: Will write an Ebook
This year, one of my goals is to write and publish an ebook.😁I am using my laptop to write one currently. I brainstormed for months last year to write about what?
Brainstorming the idea behind
Until I got this email in the month of December 2017 asking me about how to get started with blogging, more importantly, book blogging. I am unable to find that specific email otherwise I would have posted the proof-of-question. Nonetheless, I decided to write a short ebook on the matter. Many times in the last year itself, I was being asked to how to get started with blogging. I am going to compile some of the blog posts and my essays and thoughts on the subject matter for all the bloggers who are wondering how to get started.
What’s and Won’t ‘s
If you have running a blog, I do offer advice and tips from my own experience of running this blog for 5 years and writing elsewhere (and getting paid) and learning through the steep curve of blogging. Currently, this blog has 7000 monthly subscribers and the majority of them joined in last 12 months.
Out of few things, I would not be discussing mechanics of setting up a blog since technical aspects keep changing slightly and I worry it will make my ebook obsolete. Also, there are many tuts and walkthroughs that covers the same.
I will also be covering specific topics essential for a #bookblogger. I can talk on that niche because I write here about that all the time. I am already done with 5000 words!
Please Subscribe to get Updates
If you are interested in reading or want more updates about it, please let me know by subscribing the mailing list here 🙏
That sounds very cool: goodluck with this project! 😀😀
Thank you so much!
Goodluck! You definitely should, after reading so many!
Good luck and all the best…
Aman go for it. When I searched the whole of web, there was very little about book blogging. Would love to see what your ebook adds to the world of blogging. Let me know if you would like us to add some of our experience as well. Good luck !!
Good luck, Aman!😀 I’ll definitely read it when it comes out (I could use some decent advice)!😊
Gladly! Thank you 👏
Good luck!!
Thanks! 👍
All the best.
I have read Michael Hyatt’s book Platform a couple of times and it has been helpful, but his audience seems to be people who have a following of your size. I want to know more about how to go from 10 followers to 20, from 20 to 100, and from 100 to 500. Will your book address that?
How does one go from baby blog, to toddler blog, to adolescent blog, to grown up blog? That’s what I want to know.
Hi, that is great question. I did not think much in depth, but now as you ask, I have addressed the question in detail through out the book. I think gaining an audience (does not matter how many) is an important aspect to blogging.
Be patient my friend. Everything that exists, grows. Keep producing content. It takes time and patience. Thanks for asking and letting me addressing this question!
My advance congrats.Best wishes
Good luck, sounds like a great idea.
I’m sure you’ll do a great job.
Thank you 🙂
[…] I am writing an ebook for Bloggers […]
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