Published by Notionpress Genres: Fiction
Pages: 238
Format: eBook

Abhishek Vincent’s debut The Book of My Life: A True Love journey was released in late 2017. Full of emotions, and deciphering feelings page by page both of the character and the reader, it is a book not to be missed if you are a fan of romance fiction or like to read good heartwarming stories.
The plot uniquely starts at a railway where the author of the book stumbles upon a diary left behind a traveler. He discovers a tale of a young man in search of love. Starting from his middle school days, where he thought he found his first love along with happiness and continuing the journey after three more similar scenarios until he finally gets what he seeks. The ups and downs of his love lives and an incident that turns him empty inside with no hope left to be ever loved by someone again. But the “love” hasn’t given up on him.
The storyline is full of interesting incidents. The stories are aligned in a timely manner in the protagonist’s life. There four subplots that completes the major plot and the narrative voice following these plots is smooth and is written in first person voice. Even though I felt that the repetition of elements used in earlier subplots in this book, with quite similar incidents happening with the author. This does constitute a dragging element but just when I started to think more about it, the author pull of the curtains and introduces the climax in one of the subplots. That changes everything from a reader’s perspective.
The characterization is not that vast in proportion to the length of the novel. The main cast if deeply explored and I think this where the masterful efforts of the author of this book come into the picture. The way he develops and displays characters, to drive the plot forward, is an effort to appreciate. It is a well-written novel that happens to satisfy its own niche.
3 out of 5
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