BOOK REVIEW: The October Men by David Impey

Posted March 18, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 0 Comments

BOOK REVIEW: The October Men by David ImpeyThe October Men by David Impey
Published by Literally PR on 16/03/2018
Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery
Pages: 340
Format: eBook

A cleverly written book does end in a clever and an intriguing manner. David Impey’s The October Men is a blend of science fiction and the clever imagination of a writer.

A brilliant young physicist goes missing. A professor is desperate to secure the funding for the experiment running that yields into unexpected results of time travel. However, the experiment does fall into the hands of men who have different agenda the professor and the physicist. A series of historical events are revealed and the truth of the experiment is known to all humanity. What will happen now? Who will have the access to it?

The plot starts a bit slow in my opinion. The switching of narration that depends on different characters point-of-view to move the plot further without revealing those characters fully to the reader does create a surprise for the reader but it also makes the start a bit slow. Even though it did show sign of being a science fiction work from the start, the genre of science fiction is not heavily invested and I think it can lure a lot more readers rather than just the regular audience of the genre.

The narrative voice has a steady pace. The storyline did spike my interest as it move furthers and reveal more events. The building of a good story with elements of suspense and science fiction is there. The characterization in this novel is like the heartbeat of a human being. Some characters are fully developed while few of them did feel like they need more time.

The writing style is exquisite. In a simple manner, David Impey has introduced the concept of time traveling what looks like from the start, in a suspense novel. This is the talking point of the book. Not only he blends those two elements, he uses them to drive the plot further. This is the reason I enjoyed reading it and I consider this novel to be a result of clever imagination.

I recommend this novel if you always wanted to read a book on time travel but never had the heart for going into many details. Do consider this one, if you are looking for a great piece of a writer’s imagination.

4 out of 5



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