BOOK REVIEW: The Digital Nomad Survival Guide by Peter Knudson and Katherine Conaway

Posted June 9, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

Pages: 172, Kindle Edition

Published: February 2017

Cover Rating: 3/5

If you are curious about what a Digital Nomad is an if you are planning to be one in near future, The Digital Nomad Survival Guide: How to Successfully Travel the World While Working Remotely written by two nomads themselves: Peter Knudson and Katherine Conaway can be a good start.

This book titled as a “survival guide” do justify itself as it covers knowledge, experiences of other nomads and resources about travel, housing, work, and socializing hubs to help you get started and manage a new lifestyle you are eager to pick up. It contains conversations in various manner with more than twenty digital nomads who travelled across 70+ countries. Their tips from to do or how to do at specific locations to their packaging lists, sample budgets and balance sheets, application recommendations might be helpful to you.

Peter and Katherine, the co-authors of this book have put enough emphasis on one of the most factors when it comes to travel and working remotely, money. Both of them have experience that includes 5 years travelling across 30 countries in between them. This book is collaborated remotely while they continued their journey in separate countries in South-East Asia.

I like how simple and to the point the narrative style used by both co-authors. The length of the book is enough to cover the surface but I strongly feel that there could have been more testimonies and in detail conversations with digital nomads covering a variety of jobs and sharing their experience in regards of the niche area of skills and what more skills they did acquire while travelling.

A positive about this book I find is that it is up to date as its published in 2017 and the content or resources are not outdated as one might have come across on not so relevant blog articles to read and explore the same concerned topic.

3 out of 5

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