Pages: 352, Kindle Edition
Cover Rating: 4/5
Max Brooks’ World War Z is terrifying. Not the book but rather the concept of ZOMBIES. Subtitled as an Oral history of the Zombie War, I had expectations from this book. I thought it would be more than just science fiction scenery of sane beings surrounded by the lifeless and apathetic creatures.
Ranging from the now infamous village of New Dachang in the United Federation of China, where the epidemiological trail began with the twelve-year-old Patient Zero, to the unnamed northern forests where untold numbers sought a terrible and temporary refuge in the cold, to the United States of Southern Africa, where the Redeker Plan provided hope for humanity at an unspeakable price, to the west-of-the-Rockies redoubt where the North American tide finally started to turn, this invaluable chronicle reflects the full scope and duration of the Zombie War.
There is not much into the plot. It’s just a matter of survival. Loose series of events build up the genesis of storyline. The story narrates in the form of interviews with different survivors from different regions and countries. These narrations are short and unfold an important event that lead to the next expedition. This narrative concept is clever and I applaud the author for using it. This whole idea makes things interesting and let’s a reader reach the end of the novel and thus, can be classified as a page turner.
Another important aspect of Brooks’ writing is the in-depth strategies for fighting against the zombies and how most of the known techniques he discusses are useless. He shows another perspective of the human psychology and the society collapses immediately. His urge to create real and authentic events in a reader’s imagination through his words works splendidly. There isn’t much into the characterisation.
I could not feel the same pressure, terror and stress from the plot and the lack of characterisation even though I eagerly consumed this different manner of narration.
This book is a bliss for zombie fans, post-apocalyptic lovers and science fiction seekers.
3 out of 5!
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email: amandeepmittal@live.com
I’m always hesitant to read books when I’ve seen the movie first. Have you seen the movie how did they compare? Don’t really care for zombies but I a fan of apocalyptic survival books.
I have seen the movie, and I think it was potrayed better than the book. I do not care ror zombies eithrr but yeah, apocalytpic is tempting.
I enjoyed the concept and the various stories, but the style it was written in made it difficult for me to read. It took me sooo long to finish this book. I would read a little and put it down and repeat over and over. I think I enjoyed the Zombie Survival Guide more.
I really enjoyed the execution of this one which is interesting because I’m not sure I would have liked it as much if it was a straight zombie book. Though I must admit I did quiet like the movie!
IMO move was better. 😀
This was certainly a fun and highly original take on the zombie genre. I loved the way the book presented those interviews and as such unfolded the story. Great post! 😊
Glad you enjoyed reading it 👍😁
I listened to this book on audio and it was fabulous! It had a lot of celebrity voices that were perfect. I’ve listened to it several times and will again!
May be I should try the audio version. Which specific audiobook you recommend?
You want to listen to the full edition- in this post of mine I linked it to another blogger’s post that detailed every characters name and actor/actress that voiced it. Mark Hamill voices a recurring character.
Link: https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/10/12/world-war-z-audio-edition/
Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Mark Hamill is there. Awesome 🤩!
A particular favorite of mine.