A blog is like a shark, it stays alive only if it keeps moving.
Life’s a journey. A reader lives a thousand lives for that matter, travels a thousand journeys. So have I and I intend to travel a thousand less traveled roads.
My name is Aman, and I am a twenty-something app developer who likes to keep his nose between the pages. I am the solo blogger here at Confessions of a Readaholic where I am reviewing books since 2013.
I am a sucker for a Victorian classics or crime fiction but I like to dip my toes in all genres available. If a genre has been newly invented, I have probably read a book from it. Apart from book reviews I love to get inside the heads of wonderful writers, and most of the time I tend to record the conversation and share in form interviews.
I am also Slytherin, own a Kindle and not biased between ebooks vs books. I have written for various publications as a contributor or featured writer across the internet, and few offline magazines, not only on books but on technology, productivity, etc.
I had a chance to get published as a poet and a self-published author (see the complete list of my published works here).
I have worked directly with publishers such as:

Blogging goes way beyond mere content. It’s a conversation between you and your audience.
Have a question? Add me on Goodreads or send me a message!
Thank you for stopping by our blog, Aman.Appreciate it 🙂
You’re most Welcome! 😀
Cool blog!
Love your blog! Mind if I steal your idea of keeping track of the books I’ve read and reviewed from here going forward?
Haha, yeah yeah, sure, go ahead! 😀 I liked your review of And the Mountains Echoed!
Thanks for visiting by!
Thanks so much!!
And thanks for visiting and following!
You’re always welcome!
I’m not sure if you can help but seeing as you are doing a computer related degree I’m going to ask anyway.
I’m attempting to either get someone to programme a basic tracker software or ask you if I, an absolute novice and noob could do it within a week or two.
It’s all for a psychology experiment. What I need is software that will work with a slot machine simulator, tracking the losses and wins in a graph like manner on screen. It’s really basic and needs nothing more than to be able to show how many credits someone is down, or up in real time as they ‘gamble’. So numbers as opposed to an actual graph would work too.
This isn’t some dodgy gambling device it’s for an experiment for my Master’s and is to actually help understand addiction better.
What do you think?
If you are willing to swap the slot machine stats for imaginary lottery stats there’s something online you’d be able to use.
At least there was a couple or three years ago the last time I visited the site. Lottery Post, lotterypostdotcom has a facility allowing ‘members’ [people who register to the site, no cost involved] to predict outcomes of lotteries all over the world, bet imaginary sums, and LP tracks the wins/losses of each individual participating, creates graphs and keeps them onfile indefinitely. Allows ten bets per day per lottery. Hope this might be a help to you.
The idea is elegant and wonderful. But i don’t think a novice would be able to do. By that I mean, someone at my level. I am really not in software makings but I can guide you bit and I hope it will help you out. The software should be in graphical user interface related language like Java or C# or HTML5 is also used in making softwares and applications but I am not sure. But you can take a look at this link: http://www.lasvegassun.com/gambling-addiction/slotmachine/#axzz2URdHTqh1
I hope it helps. I am sorry I can’t help you much!
Thank you for visiting and liking my blog. I’m always happy to know there is another book lover out there.
Thank you too, for visiting by! 🙂
Gràcies per seguir el meu blog.
Thank you too. 🙂
Gràcies també! 🙂
Hi, thanks for liking my blog post 🙂 Book lovers rule!
You too, thanks for visiting my blog! 🙂
I’m glad that you liked my post on “Swords, Specters, & Stuff.” You’re welcome back anytime!
Thank you Mike for visiting by. I will. 🙂
Dear Aman,
Your country is my favorite country in the world, and universe.
Thanks for visiting and following my blog!
Thank you, Ana. I hope you visit it again. 🙂
You’re always welcome!
Hi, nice to see your blog
thanks! 🙂
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post!
thanks you too for visiting by! 🙂
I like what you’ve done with the place!
Thanks PJ!
Aman thanks for all the support you’ve given me on my blog. It means a lot.
I wish you the best in your studies and am glad to have you on my blog.
T.A. Uner
Thank you to, Uner, for visiting my blog! 🙂
Good Luck for ahead!
THANKS FOR LIKING my post Aman. This 99 cent deal is a steal dont miss it!
Thanks, for telling me about the deal! 🙂
Sure buddy.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post!
You’re welcome, and thank you too for stopping by 🙂
I enjoyed reading some of your book reviews. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you’ll drop by again.
Thanks! I will sure. 🙂
Thanks for liking my post.
You’re always welcome, Ranu! 🙂
Ah, but now I’m one and twenty. And ’tis true. (from memory so perhaps not exact quote.) I love reading and poetry, too.
It’s a quote from John Milton’s poem. What poets do you like? Nice to meet you, thanks for visiting by! 🙂
Thanks for checking out my post. I appreciated it.
you’re always welcome here 🙂
Your blog is great. I sometimes reject great themes just because the placement of the widgets does not satisfy me but you’ve made this theme work wonderfully. I love clean white themes!
And yeah great reviews. 😀
Thanks a lot for visiting! I was just viewing your blog and a short story of yours. What an exceptional writer you are. Keep the good work. 🙂
Thank you so much. I’m cruising around your blog too. 🙂 I might pick up one of these books when I next get a chance!
Well I had sneak on your reading list. It’s nice and interesting your reading taste is. I like readers who have versatile taste of reading.
I would be glad if some of my book reviewed books be on your reading list! 🙂
There are SO many books on your blog! I’m sure I’ve read a few but there’s a lot I haven’t…will try to get my hand on some!
If you’d like any strong recommendations, email me! 🙂
Thank you Aman for visiting my blog.
What a nice place you have here! It feels a bit like an old school bookstore. Thanks for stopping by The Brass Rag. Come back and see us again soon.
Thanks for the appreciation and I’ll surely be visiting by soon 🙂 Though you’re welcome here anytime!
Aman do submit to Alphabet and You. 🙂
can you give me the links? Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot, Michelle, I found the link myself! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by loebick.com and commenting! I think “quodophile” is one of my new favorite words.
Thanks Loebick, for visiting by! I really like your website, it’s so elegant and unique.
I hope the word “quodophile” end up in a dictionary! 🙂
Many thanks for stopping by my blog, and taking the time to ‘like’ my latest book review and self-publishing article, much appreciated!
You’re welcome! 🙂 Keep the good work, though!
Thank you for stopping by our blog!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Happy new year Aman.
Thanks! Happy New Year to you too 🙂
Anytime. I appreciate your support and comments.
Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. I love reading the blogs of readers so you be assured I will be visiting your blog often. Thanks for introducing me to a new word today: quodophile.
You’re always welcome here, Kate 🙂
Aman, Tks for looking at my blog and my review of the “Elegance of the Hedgehog”. You might want to look at other novels and compendiums of short stories that I have reviewed, as I have had more positive feelings about them than the “Elegance of the Hedgehog”. If you like historical fiction and have not read it already, I would suggest for 2014 “The Cellist of Sarajevo.” It is one of the best account of a siege of a city. I will soon review other works I am reading:
“O Jerusalem”- non-fiction about the battle for that city during the war that created the current State of Israel.
“Kamchatka”- young adult fiction during Argentina’s dirty war of the 1970s.
“The Death of Artemio Cruz”- Carlos Fuentes novel
“Crusoe’s Daughter”- Jane Gardam novel
Thanks for the recommendation! I will be looking forward to your reviews! 🙂
Thanks for following FIGHTER FAITH. If you would like to receive regular updates by email and receive a free gift, come on back and join my email subscriber list.
You’re welcome!
Hi! I have officially nominated you for The Liebster Award! For more information, check out my blog! Congratulations! http://heatherellisbooks.wordpress.com/2014/01/16/the-liebster-award/
Thanks 🙂
Aman are you on Goodreads? I tried finding you but there are like 100 Aman Mittals. Which one is you?
I am there and here is the link to my profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8251675-aman-mittal
Thanks for adding me 🙂
Thanks for the likes!
You’re a real “readaholic”! I’m impressed! 🙂
Thanks for the appreciation 🙂
Thanks for liking my post and following me! Cool blog!
You’re welcome here anytime 🙂
Thank you for your visit to my blog, and for your “like.” I look forward to exploring yours. (I am a book lover, too!) 🙂
You’re welcome Nina, and thanks for visiting here! 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog Aman.Great reviews here.Well done!
Thanks! Your blog is quite wonderful too.
You are doing what you like to do, it is the most important thing for any one.
Thanks Ranu! Good luck with the future blogging 🙂
Great blog Aman. What’s your reading challenge this year?
Thanks 🙂 My reading challenge this year is to read 100 books. What’s yours?
100 books…that’s massive. I’ll be happy if I can achieve 50 books.
Thank you for dropping by my humble blog, it is greatly appreciated. I glanced through some of your marvelously animated reviews, I mean someone might take you for a bibliophile. Looking forward to more.
Thank you too for reading my reviews! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my latest Saturday Shelfie post. 🙂 Your blog looks really interesting! I’m a big classics fan too. Do you have any favourite authors?
Thanks to you too for visiting my blog. Yes, your blog is lovely.
Yes I have a few favorites but Oscar Wilde is my all time favorite. What are yours? 🙂
I really like Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy and the Bronte sisters, as well as classic Russian literature (Chekhov, Tolstoy, Pasternak…) 🙂
WOW! I like Russian Literature too. The idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky is my favorite and of course, Wuthering Heights is my all time favorite book. I like George Eliot too! 🙂
Middlemarch is the only book I’ve read by George Eliot but I really enjoyed it. I must read her other novels.
Yes, I like Eliot’s Silas Marner! 🙂
Thank you Aman for taking the time to stop by and like the post on my blog, it’s very much appreciated 😊
You’re always welcome Gina! 🙂 Your blog is very nice.
Aman, Thanks for visiting my blog. I like the way you set up your blog. Your Book Reviews are fabulous.
Thanks Rose, I appreciate you for reading my reviews:) You’re always welcome here!
Hey! I’m Margarida from The Fault in Our Words and I’m here to tell you that I nominated you for The Liebster Blog Award. To know more about this read my post about it: http://thefaultinourwords.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/the-liebster-blog-award-margarida/
Thanks Margarida 🙂
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy answering my questions 😀
Hey Aman! Thanks for checking out my poem, Morning Time. It was a split second thing really that just popped into my head so I scribbled it down before it could escape. 🙂 I’ll have a look at some of your poems, too. If you’re interested, I’ve just published my first book, ‘The Path Through an Eye of Another’ ( http://smarturl.it/daveynorthcott ). There is a preview on my blog; hope you like it …
You’re welcome Davey, and I hope you enjoy my poems too.
Thanks for the link, sure I’ll go through 🙂
Hi Aman! Just wanted to thank you for the follow a few weeks back (sorry for the lateness!) and tell you that you have a wonderful book blog. Glad to know that you love reading both the classics as well as contemporary literature. I’ve just gotten into the classics two years back and will look forward to your reviews and recommendations. I’m really enjoying what I’ve seen so far. 🙂
I welcome you my friend 🙂
I hope you enjoy your reading time, and I’ll be glad to write reviews for you!
Thanks for following The Savvy Senorita. I appreciate it.
Happy blogging, Bex
You’re welcome 🙂
Hey, thanks for the “follow” at jcurtislovelace.com. Back at ya.
You’re welcome 🙂
Hi Aman
thanks for liking our post on Julian Assange and ghostwriting on Gert Loveday – Fun with Books. It’s great to have discovered another bibliophile with a liking for the quirky, and we’ll be back.
You’re welcome and I’d be glad to see more. That post was quite a good stuff!
Hari Om! Aman,
A blogger friend of mine nominated me for Liebster, and I nominated your blog for Liebster’s award as well.
I took this opportunity to get in touch with fellow bloggers who share similar interests. I think it’s kind of fun to get to know each other personally.
Participation is not compulsory, I did it for fun, so feel free to join in if you like.
Link: http://grabyourmind.com/2014/04/28/liebster-award-nomination/
Krishna Dev
Thanks 🙂 And Yes, I will take part in it.
Hari Om, Aman,
Will look forward to it.
Krishna Dev
Hi Aman! Thanks for the like. It’s always great to find another bibliophile with a blog. I look forward to reading about the books you read. Hope you stop by Sitting In The Stacks again soon!
Hi Ashley, thanks for the appreciation 🙂
Surely, I’ll be visiting soon!
Thanks for liking my book review! Currently looking through yours.
Thanks for visiting 🙂
I’m flattered you stopped by my blog. You were my first visitor. I like puns too. Stop by again sometime and I will do the same.
Congrats for your new blog ans I’m glad and will be visiting soon 🙂
Well yes I have a thought,….Thanks for coming by my blog today. You have some awesome reviews here! Love the style and clean look of your bog too. I’m a new fan 🙂
Have a blessed weekend,
Author Catherine Lyon 🙂
hey, thank you too for visting my blog and I hope to entertain you with more book reviewd 🙂
Nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting my blog.
you are welcome 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog (and leading me back to yours).
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for checking out my blog! I’ll have to take a look at your poetry. 🙂
You’re welcome! And thanks for reading m poetry 🙂
Thanks so much for visiting, and for liking the story of my mother’s early years. It’s always good to meet another book lover! 🙂
Thank you too for visiting back 🙂 The story was lovely. I read it to my other myself! She liked it too 😀
You read all six parts of it aloud to her? That’s amazing! 🙂
Yeah,we managed in two shifts but she liked it 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
thanks for the follow 🙂 looking forward to your posts 😀
You’re welcome 🙂
Nice Blog and good writing. I love books too. Keep up the good work. Best.
Thanks for visiting by! 🙂
Appreciate you checking out my blog, love what you got going on over here on yours and will be checking for you from time to time. Thanks enjoy your day! 🙂
Thanks for visiting by 🙂
No problem, your very welcome
Thanks for the like!
You’re welcome 🙂
Thank you for liking my post on Margaret Drabble. Love the title of this blog–readaholic indeed. Read on!
Thanks for visiting by 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I enjoyed reading some of your reviews; I definitely agree with you about James Patterson recently, and I am looking forward to reading The Fault in our Stars. I have been hearing really good things about it; glad to read a good review! That is wonderful that you write poetry! And now, I am going to look up the definition for quodiphile. 😊
Thanks to you too, for spending so much of your time on my blog and appreciating my reviews and poetry. Your blog is lovely too and I’ll be visiting soon! Good luck with Quodophile 😀
I really enjoyed listening to your piano compositions!
Thanks so much for checking out my blog, and then following! I appreciate it! I enjoy reading, but, when my tunnel vision kicks in, I do one thing at a time. Right now, blogging. I’ll return for a longer look.
You’re always welcome here Gerri, and I appreciate that you’ll come back soon! 🙂 Good luck with the blogging!
Thanks for stopping by Aman. I read your Heathcliff and Katherine poem. It does capture a time and place!
Thanks for reading it. I appreciate your view 🙂
Glad you took a look at my blog. What a book man you are. As someone else said, its good to know there are other book lovers out there. I’m amazed when I see other peoples’ book lists just how many books I haven’t read or even heard of. So inside each of our head is so much information that no other person has and no other person can know about – what a thought.
Amazing thought. I totally agree with you. I am always glad to meet new book lovers. Great blog you have. Keep doing something with it! 🙂 Happy Reading!
Thank you for liking my blog. Maybe someday you’ll read one of my books!
I’d be glad to read your book. I am a diverse reader! 🙂
Hey. Sorry I have been away for too long from this wonderful place. If by some miracle i can get the internet guy to come today to my new humble abode, I’ll catch you on facebook. I haven’t forgotten the guest blog thing 😀
It’s all right, though I miss you. I hope you get your internet connection working again soon! YEAH, the guest blog thing, do ping me on facebook when you’re done with it 🙂
Hello and nice to meet you. Thanks for looking at this blog .I love books too but just about culinary and recipes and kitchen .Food related.. Have a nice day..
Thanks for visiting by too, Good Day 🙂
No problem and Good day to you too:)
Great quote from Wilde!
It’s one of my favorites 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to read/translate my blog! I’m flattered, seeing what a big lover of the written word you are! Good luck with your own (writing) career! I love your blog!
Thanks for visiting here too and thanks for loving my blog 🙂 Your blog posts were so appealing that I had to translate them and yes I loved them after reading them. Keep writing great posts! 🙂
What a fun blog and it is wonderful to see your passion for reading…
Thanks a lot Aaryne 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Aman, have a nice WE;-)
Thanks Natalie, and you too 🙂
Thank you so much for liking my comments on The Book Shelf. I really appreciate it.
You’re welcome 🙂
Yes – I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please see http://stantonsunshine.net/2014/06/22/very-inspiring-blogger-award-and-my-nominations/. Thanks!
Thanks Debb 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. As such a widely-read reader, I’d love to know what you think about “The Jackdaw Birdhouse” – see my latest blog post 🙂
You’re welcome. Sure, why not 🙂
Hi Aman, thank you for stopping by my blog, Primal Zen. Hope you are well and enjoying life!
You’re welcome, and good luck for the future 🙂
I don’t know if you do awards, but I’m nominating you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Details here: http://keriblakinger.com/2014/06/27/very-inspiring-blogger-award/
Thanks Keri! 🙂
Hi Aman, thanks for liking my post. I love your quote by Oscar Wilde, he’s one of my favourite writers. May I ask you, how do you choose what you’re gonna read? What drives you?
Hello Mrs. Bingles. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Oh, there are many factors on which I decide to read a book, such as, interest in the topic, genre, cover & title. Mostly it’s the interest, but sometimes the cover and the title also play a driving factor! 🙂
thank you 🙂 I was just curious
Thank you for the like!
You’re welcome 🙂
I share your passion for reading. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!!! I am an avid reader, too. What part of India do you reside?
Hi, thank you too for visiting my blog! 🙂
I love to read and I live New Delhi. Have you visited India in recent times?
No, I”ve never been to India, but some folks I know haven visited Chennai in the South. I have taught children that came from India!!!!
Well, someday if you plan too, do tell me. I might be helpful to you to show you around 🙂
Thanks so much!!!!!
Hey I nominated you for The Liebster Award, check it out:
Thank you for following my blog. I truly appreciate it. 🙂
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks Aman, my friends & i just started our blog and you were the first to like something on it! Im sharing your blog with my 18K Twitter followers in return 🙂 one love xxox
Thanks Dr Slater for sharing mine. I wish you and your friends good luck with your new blog 🙂
Books are amazing, I agree! Also, your Oscar Wilde quote is fabulous.
Thanks Anna 🙂
Thanks, Aman, for recommending the Prospero Books blog!
You’re welcome Russell 🙂
Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. Hope you come back…judy grieflessons.wordpress.com
Sure, I’ll be 🙂
Thank you for checking out my blog 🙂
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
Thanks to you too 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will continue to stop by and check it out. I try to cover a variety of topics and interests.
I liked a couple of your posts and decided to follow. Some of your poems seemed on the dark side to me. I prefer looking at the brighter side of life.
Thanks for reading my poems, and I surely be looking forward to your blog 🙂
Hey Aman, good job with the blog….
Like one of your earliest posts… the “to read before” list… There’s only one book there that I am yet to read… will rectify that shortly!
Thanks for visiting here, and good luck with that one book left 🙂
Thanks for the follow on my site and love that you’re a poet!
Thanks, and I’ll be visiting soon 🙂
Hello Aman. Thanks for liking my post. Keep reading and writing!
Thanks and good luck 🙂
Hi Aman, thank you for liking my blog post. You have a cool and interesting book blog!
Thanks Shaz, you too have an exciting blog 🙂
Nice to meet you! Love to meet a reader with good taste. 🙂 Are you on Goodreads?
Hi, and nice to meet you too. Yes, I’m always glad to meet a reader with good taste too 🙂 Yes, I am on Goodreads, here is the link: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8251675-aman-mittal
Loved the Oscar Wilde quote. Made my day.
Thanks. I am glad Wilde’s wittiness made your day 🙂
Hey there. Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for reading my work and following my blog! Feel free to comment on anything you like. You may win some leprechaun gold…but, not likely.
Haha sure mate. I’ll be visiting a lot from now 🙂 Thanks for giving a visit!
Great blog and thank you for visiting and liking mine. Your welcome to visit anytime. Have a blessed weekend.
Thanks to you too for visiting by. Surely, I’ll visit soon, you have an amazing blog 🙂
Cool blog layout! Thanks for dropping by my blog, Aman! 🙂
Thanks for visiting here 🙂
Hi Amandeep, thanks for liking a post on my blog. I especially love the quote from Oscar Wilde. It gives me something to think about. Keep up the good work.
You’re welcome 🙂 That quote is one of my favorite, visit soon!
Thanks for liking my post on my blog! Your blog looks interesting to me too! Guess I’ll have to start following you, and keep up on what you post! Like minds, and all…
Thanks for following and I hope my posts will keep you interested 🙂
Thank you for visiting my blog!
You’re always welcome Hilary 🙂
Thank you for liking my latest review
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂
You’re welcome. 🙂
I haven’t the faintest clue as to how you found my blog, but thanks for liking my post. Keep with with your passion in reading!
I quite like your blog!
Thanks 🙂
Thank you for visiting and liking my blog!
You are welcome 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my book blog. I love how the internet can bring us booklovers together even though we’re thousands of miles apart.
Yeah that is the most successful fact of internet!! Its a beautiful thing! 🙂 keep reading
Thanks for liking my post on Fran Lebowitz. You have an interesting and worthwhile mission with you blog Keep up the good work.
Thanks. 🙂
Cool blog! I love your approach to the world. Thank you for showing yourself to the world!
You’re welcome and thanks for visiting here 🙂
Yes, another reader, a fellow kindred spirit. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
You’re welcome 🙂
[…] Confessions of a Readaholic […]
Thanks for stopping by my blog and the “like”- always glad to find a fellow book lover! ~Lauren
You’re welcome Lauren 🙂 it’s nice to meet you too!
Cool! We a lot alike! Ever since I discovered the magic of reading that I’ve been reading like crazy too! Mostly non fiction, but since fiction also makes us smarter (socially, by becoming able to read more emotional cues) that lately I’ve been trying to read more fiction! Nice to meet you and thank you!
You’re most welcome and nice to meet you too 🙂 I am always glad to connect with more fellow readers!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking it! Great blog by the way😊
Welcome and thanks 🙂
Well, like many others here, I wanted to thank you for coming by my blog. I also am enjoying your book reviews.
You’re welcome 🙂
Glad you are enjoying them.
[…] on my list is Aman’s blog called Confessions of a Readaholic. His post entitled, ” 260 days, 100 books!” basically made me utter the word […]
First thing I read is a Wilde quote. I’m sold.
Haha 🙂 Thanks for the visit!
Thanks for liking my recent Blog Post at easternshorebrent.com. I look forward to following your work here. Hope you check in with me once in a while as well!
Surely do! I liked your blog at first glance 🙂 keep up the good work! 🙂
hello dear! You got nominated in the One Lovely Blog Award 🙂 check it here: https://berryduchess.wordpress.com/2014/09/30/the-one-lovely-blog-award/
Thanks 🙂
Aman, I’m pleased that you liked my post on “Swords, Specters, & Stuff.” You’re welcome back anytime!
Surely do 🙂
Hi Aman, thanks for stopping by my blog and checking it out. I too love reading and funnily enough, am now reading more books than ever before using a Kindle. I was a bit skeptical because I love the smell of books and browsing book stores for new and old titles. I still do that, but living in a small apartment in Japan means space is limited, so a Kindle is perfect. Do stop by again and I will do the same!
Great to know that you follow eBooks. Me too, I just love sniffing old and new books and read a lot of eBooks on my phone. I’ll be visiting soon and thanks for your visit 🙂
Thank you for liking my post about the chimp paradox. I’m now following your blog! 🙂
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for liking my last entry! I always appreciate it!
Hi Aman. I love the style of your blog and the way you do your book reviews. I’m really looking forward to following you and, if it’s OK, I’d like to add you as a friend on Goodreads. You obviously like historical fiction and I’d be very interested in your recommendations.
Thanks a lot for visiting Millie! Goodreads.. Why not? Yes, I I have read few books in historical fiction genre and I’d like to recommend The Sea and the Silence by Peter Cunningham. It’s light a book. 🙂
Thank you Aman. I know you read a selection of genres, and so do I. I’m focusing on historical fiction at the moment because I’m writing it! Some of the books you reviewed on your blog looked really good. I’m in the middle of Wolf Hall right now and then I intend to finish off Sarum. I’ll certainly add the The Sea and the Silence to my reading list though.
Great! It’s wonderful to know that you are writing a historical fiction! Yeah, except some few genres, I like to diversify my reading 🙂
Thank you for stopping by Kira Hanson’s blog! Books are awesome!
You’re welcome 🙂
Thank you for liking my review of Orange Juice and Cod Liver oil. You have a great blog here.
You’re welcome 😊
Hey Aman,
I am glad to be connected to you. I would look forward to your blog and updates. Thanks!
And yes, I enjoy writing (can’t yet classify my interest), but there seems a good connect.
Hi, and glad to meet you 🙂 Looking forward to hear more from you.
Fab quote by Oscar Wilde. Quite like this one too “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.’
Yeah, this one is “one of my favourites” too!! 🙂 Thanks for reminding me this one at this very moment!
Hi. You ever get into motion poetry?
Hello and thanks for visiting… And no.. What’s that?
Thanks for stopping by, Aman 🙂
You are welcome 🙂
Hi Aman. Thank you for stopping by and liking my post. You have a cool blog here. I dream of a day when readaholics shalll inherit the Earth. Bests.
Haha Thanks a lot Sam. I dream of that day too 😀
Looking forward to your blog!
Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I do wish I could find time to develop my site as clearly and logically as you have done.
Thank you for the appreciation 🙂
So many good books, so little time!
True that!
Oh, so glad to have found your blog. You are a savvy dedicated literary soul 🙂
Thanks 🙂
As an obsessive reader, I love your blog. As an avid WP junkie, I love your blog. So basically, I love your blog.
Haha thanks for so much love and for the visit 🙂
Thank you Aman for liking my story. I am deeply honoured. I love your blog.
You’re welcome.
Thanks for the like. I checked out your reviewed list. I think you’ve picked the best possible educational course for yourself. Good luck.
Haha Thanks Tim 🙂
Words come in so many meanings; Phrases in so many messaging agents; Sentences in so many styles and genres. Could you believe living in a world without literacy? So many people do. Thank you for the your energy and the diversification of your blog.
Thanks George for visiting by and your kind words 🙂
You Love to read, I love to write, match made in heaven! 😊
Thanks for the like and follow! Look forward to more interaction in the New Year!!
Thanks to you too Ritu, for visiting by. I am eagerly looking forward to that! 🙂
Good to meet another readaholic!!! love the passion you have for books of all genres! you do not mind if I will take your advice on some on the books you are recommending, will you? take care!
No, I’d be happy to recommend some 🙂 visit soon!
Thanks for dropping by my blog – glad you like it! I very much like the look of yours!
Thank you too 🙂
nice site,clean. didn’t see a single spider hanging about. Will come back for more reading
Thanks for visiting 🙂
Hey! I have been following your blog for quite sometime. I find your blog to be unique and pleasantly different. I was recently honoured with the Versatile Blogger Award and I would like to nominate your blog for the same. I don’t know if you were already nominated for it, but still I would be truly honored if you accept. The rules for the award can be perused at https://dreamingwordz.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/maiden-versatility/
Thanks a lot Sheetal for your kind and appreciable words. And thank you for nomination for the award! 🙂
Thanks so much for taking a peek at my blog and liking one of my haiku poems – I truly appreciate the visit! Joy
Thank for your visit too 🙂 Much appreciated!
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award 🙂
Thanks a lot! 🙂
You’re very welcome!! 🙂
So how are you, Aman? I just dumped a comment on your bookmark post. It was great (your post). Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I think you’re a very busy man. Doing what you love to do. What could be better?
I am well, how about you?
Yes, nothing could be better than what we love to do. Thanks to you too for dropping by my blog. I like your blog a lot. Count me as a frequent visitor from now on 🙂
Aman, Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my review of “The Man Who Walked Away.” My next review will be of Tan Twan Eng’s first novel “The Gift of Rain.” I am not as voracious a reader as others, but it will be my 150th review since I started my blog. There does not seem to be much cross-over between your archive and mine, as I suppose I read more literary fiction.
You’re welcome. I’ll be visiting soon, and congrats on 150th.
Any thoughts? Yes. My first thought of your blog ‘confessions of a readaholic’ well, you got my attention! Love it 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to come about my blog and like ‘days off’. I would love to follow and read your blog. Oh and nice to meet you, Aman. 🙂
Thanks fr taking time to visit my blog 🙂 I liked your blog on first sight and consider me a regular visitor from now!
Haha, aw thank you Aman 🙂 your a great blogger to follow, you inspire me to keep reading more books!
I am glad to hear that. Thank you 🙂
So, thank you 😀 😀
Thank you for your like on Off the Cuff. I’ll stop by later for a read.
You are always welcome here 🙂
Thanks for liking my post today! It is great to meet another person who loves books.
Glad to meet you too.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. It is nice to meet you. Many blessings to you and yours.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks for taking a look at my blog Aman… Love your site. 🙂
Thank you too Stephen 🙂
Hello Aman, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post 🙂
You’re welcome.
Thank you for liking a recent post on my blog! Your blog definitely has me curious, can’t be anything too bad about being a “Readaholic”. 🙂 Have a great week!
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog and leading me back to yours. I’ll enjoy roaming around your site and following.
You’re welcome here anytime 🙂
Thanks for the like on my blog learningtocry.wordpress.com. You have a cool theme and I look forward to perusing your blog!
Thanks for your appreciation. It is always nice to hear from one’s fellow bloggers 🙂
That’s amazing you read that many books! Most people I feel are filling their days with movies and television. It takes a certain type of person – patient – to commit to reading.
Thanks for visiting the blog and much appreciated! I just my time to read books 🙂
Hi Aman, I enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the bloggers Liebster Award. If you’d like to take part here’s the details http://bookboodle.co.uk/2015/05/23/the-liebster-award/ 🙂
Thanks for the nomination. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m enjoying yours, lots to read and think about. Cheers!
Thank you too 🙂
You look like you are on the right tract..remember reading is fun da mental!!!!
Thanks 🙂 I’ll try to remember it!
🙂 from one bookworm to another, Hope to see you at the Goa literary and art festival.
Thanks, I’ll try my best to be there 🙂
Hi, thanks for dropping by on my blog. I like what I see and read on yours. Thanks again.
You’re welcome David 🙂
[…] is a very interesting overview of who the sticklers are about grammar. Thanks to Aman Mittal on WordPress for bringing it to our attention. Enjoy my Sunday […]
I like your blog and thanks for liking my review of the four mysteries/thrillers/cozy.
Thanks for visiting by! 🙂
[…] Aman […]
Thanks for popping by http://www.schoolteachersuperhero.com to like my post about blogging. I love your bio ” Confessions of a Readaholic is a record of my own becoming the curious person– intellectually and creatively.” As a teacher, on a quest to keep learning, it’s so satisfying to run into people on similar journeys. And books fill my life. All the best, D
Thank you too for visiting my blog. It is always in my interest to meet new fellas who interested in books. 🙂
Nice place. Nice to read you
Thanks 🙂
I love your blog it’s great – no wonder I’m in a long list of comments. Thanks for stopping at my blog!
You’re most welcome 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and liking my post on Reading the “Work” of Others. Possibly not as related to India as USA, but if we are book readers/lovers, a review is always relevant, eh?
Always, I would agree. I read your post and I made a general sense out it, irrespective of the location 🙂
Nice to meet you, my friend. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about you. You have an impressive blog and I wanted to thank you for stopping by the Cow Pasture Chronicles. I hope you will visit again, soon and do leave a comment. I love hearing from others.
Thanks for your visit. Count me in, I’ll be visiting soon.
[…] Blog @jjbookblog Summer @xingsings Ashley @wordsweheart @travellinginmybookcase @siuquxebooks Aman @confessionsofareadaholic Evie […]
What a wonderful blog you have. And there’s an Oscar Wilde quote at the top of this page. Ah, one of my favourites. <3 Thank you very much for stopping by my blog and giving a post a like – it's early days yet. I've never forayed into a personal direction before, but was a political blogger and social activist blogger for years before I decided to take a sabbatical to go back to school for social work in November. All that aside, I hope to one day be as accomplished a blogger and bibliophile as you! Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Thanks for visiting. I like this quote very much sometimes in my imagination I gather his quotes and try to speak as he wrote them. 🙂
Thank you for your visit and introducing me to your site =)
You’re welcome 🙂
Classics are wonderful. A couple years ago I decided to read the philosophers, Plato, Nietche , and others. Reading the Great books from the time I was a teen has given me a much broader understanding of humanity. Chaucer, The Illiad and Odessy and so many more both prose and poetry expand ones horizons and deepen our connections to the past for understanding our present.
True. Classics also help to observe the contemporary literature better, and is an inspiration to those who read it.
[…] sure why I can’t stop buying books! Aman might have the right idea when he calls himself a Readaholic. I guess I am, too. Here are a few […]
Thank you for visiting Mordialloc Writers’ blog – writing is my passion, but like you I can’t imagine the world without books and I love reading with an equal passion:)
Thanks for your visit too 🙂
Hi, your blog is super amazing! Thanks so much for liking my post “ Bollywood Movies, Hindi Serials And Books: My Most Favorite Of Hobbies “ and for stopping by my blog at: http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com. Please feel free to stop in again. Have a great day. Betty
You too.
Thanks for stopping by to like Seeking Motivation. I’m also an avid reader, although I’ve been stretched between reading and writing lately. Great reviews!
Always good to meet a fellow avid reader.
Hi Aman, you “liked’ a post of mine where I pondered whether I should upgrade to the pro wordpress account. Do you use the pro account? Do you recommend it? About four years ago, I had my own self-hosting WordPress powered blog that I honestly didn’t use much because I lost the community of other wordpress bloggers having easier access to my blog and I. $129 is a little stiff, so I am humbling requesting your opinion on this matter. I know this isn’t to do with books, and for that I apologize, but I trust you’d have the knowledge necessary in order to make a well-rounded suggestion to me. Thanks so much.
Well I guess, there very less pros of having a pro account on wordpress. I don’t run my personal blog on pro but I used to manage a pro account for an organisation a few years back. It’s upto you. If only you want the domain name to be yours, and do not want to include ‘wordpress’ you can buy a domain name at much cheaper price then $129. And lastly, you don’t have to apologise if it’s not about books.
Thanks for stopping by!
You’re welcome!
Thanks for Liking and reading my post “Reading Books as a Last Resort” (or I’d like to assume you read it as I never know whether bloggers really read what they Like). I would read Iliad but, as you gathered from my post, it’s not something I would do. I’m envious you’re such a voracious reader and enjoy reading so much. Thanks for touching base, my friend.
oops – I meant Inferno, not Iliad. See what i mean? Big books throttle me.
Haha! I did read your post Mike and you’re welcome.
Thanks for the constant challenge to read more and differently! I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award 🙂 https://iwouldratherread.wordpress.com/2016/01/29/sunshine-blogger-award/
Thanks a lot!
I just took a quick look at your book review category. You read a wide range of books, as I do. I think your blog will be a source I will use when selecting books to read. (As if my list were not already long enough.) Am now following you.
Thanks for your kind words. Everyone’s list is long, that’s what lists are meant for 😀
Glad you visited.
Thank you for visitng my site and liking the post on Chinese Cinderella.
You’re most welcome!
[…] Owl Carrianne @ Carrianne’s Cuppa n’ Critique’s Emily Rhodes @ EmilyBooks Aman @ Confessions of a Readaholic Helen Jones @ Journey to Ambeth Emily @ Be Book Smart Justine @ BO O K W OR M A N I A C Klinta […]
Thanks for visiting The Brave Art Lab and liking our latest post!
I’ll be visiting again… Thanks!
Hey, Aman! Thanks for coming by my blog.
Yours looks interesting. Being a read ahold can only be a good thing!
You’re welcome.
This is my kinda blog, I love reading, glad to have discovered you . Cheers Aman! 🙂
Thanks for visiting. I am glad we met! 😀
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I may chase you down for a review one of these days!
You’re welcome. 🙂
Hi, I’d like to thank you for following my blog and liking at a number of posts, I appreciate this
Thank you too for the visit. I am looking forward to read more of your posts.
I very much appreciate the time you have taken to visit my blog. Thank you.
I have a pithy interest in the marvels our tiny planets offers us as well as the often glorious antics its inhabitants get up to so you can be sure I shall catch up with what you’re doing as often as I can.
Meanwhile, if you have the time and the inclination I will be honoured if you would take a look at my latest novel, Swell. If you do and you’re moved to purchase a copy and for whatever reason you don’t enjoy reading it, I will happily refund you in full. Click here for more details https://rivenrod.wordpress.com/writing/
I look forward to our next encounter.
I’ll be glad if you catch up. The pleasure is mine. I’ll take a look at your book though currently I am not accepting books for review. But I will keep a reference. Thanks for the offer.
I love your blog! I like to see fellow book lovers!
Thanks, I am glad to meet you too 🙂
[…] About […]
Hi Aman. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I LOVE your site name! I have worked with a number of souls from your country. Well, it’s fun. I learned a lot and still learning more. Would love to learn more from your writings. 🙂
Thank you Miss for visiting my blog. “Learning is something we all should do in our every day lives.” Well, some Stoic told me that last week.
I’d be glad that you could find some useful books to read or add to your TBR pile!
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks for reading my blog. If you live in India, could you find the sob who ripped me off for $600.00 and whip his ass for me? 🙂
Yes I live in India and I am sorry for the loss of your money. Where did it happen?
It was an internet scam. I clicked on the wrong site when I was trying to get help with a computer problem.
Internet can be a cruel mistress at times. *sigh*
Have you considered reporting them?
Thanks for the follow Aman.
You too, Allan 🙂
Hey Aman,
Congratulations on the phenomenal work with your blog. Been following you for a while and you’ve been an inspiration.
We’re bunch of 20year old that work on surprising people of bangalore city with bundles of books handpicked and delivered to them. We work on bringing delight to the busy working professional who are also crazy book lovers by making sure they have their material to read every month without worrying about which books to read or where to get it from.. 🙂 We are working on changing the world, one book at a time 🙂
We call ourselves ‘Read a Book Challenge’ 🙂
We wanted to send you a package of books too 🙂 from our end.
I know it’s probably a long shot for you to see this. But taking my remote chances.
Thanks so much for all your work. Wish you all the very best with the future.. 🙂
Hi Masub, thank you reading my blog and best of luck on your venture. I like the idea that you pick up books and send them to people who love reading. I think we read more books at a random state than having a plan. I’d love to know more about you and your package of books. Email me at amandeepmittal(at)live(dot)com
Oh, I call myself a “readaholic,” too! I thought I’d made the neologism up! LOL 🙂
May be you did. Who knows, I might have borrowed it 🙂
That is quite kind of you to say! 🙂
Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. Happy to find a fellow blogger from India.
Glad to meet you too 🙂 I am hosting a Book Giveaway on my blog. It might interest you: https://amandeepmittal.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/bookgiveaway-the-thc-by-manoj-jain/
Hey Aman, I only just discovered my ‘feedback’ folder on wordpress and saw that you sent me a message about interviews in October. So sorry for not responding! This would be why… I guess the project is no longer going on?
Also, could you tell me how you sent me that message? Do you know what that ‘feedback’ tab is? I am so confused. Hope you’re doing well! x Emmie
Yes, I did send you message but was unaware that it was a feedback feature. I was unable to find your email.
I will be starting a monthly blog post in which I interview other bloggers. If you’d like, I can email you the questionnaire but currently I have no plan to start that monthly blog post series.
Ah, ok! Well, let me know when it takes off, then 🙂
Love the name of your blog. I wish I’d thought of it!
Thank you so much Jadi 😀
Hi Aman, I’d like to take this chance to thank you for following my blog, and thank you for being Constant, I appreciate it
Hi! Thank you so much for liking my posts and following! You’ve got a cool blog here – looking forward to reading your posts 🙂
Thank you so much for being generous. 😊
Thanks for checking out my blog post about 5 books i can’t believe i’ve not read! Your blog looks amazing btw!
The post is great! Thank you 😊
Thanks very much for the recent “like”. I’m barely getting started, or so it feels, and to get noticed by a serious connoisseur is gratifying. Wishing you well.
You’re most welcome Alan and generous. Stay in touch.
Hi, thanks so much for liking my post, you have a lovely blog!!
Thank you so much for the compliment.
Thanks for visiting and following my blog A man. It’s always a pleasure to meet another bookaholic/readaholic! I’m looking forward to exploring your blog.🙋😊
Thank you too 👍
What a great blog! I was wondering how I could go about getting you to do a review for some of my works, either fiction or non.
Please let me know if you are interested. Blessings!
Tekoa Manning
Thank you. You can email me at: amandeepmittal@live.com
Thanks for following us and liking our posts! We are on Twitter too: @REDemptionC2016.
Cheers Steve 👍
Nice blog. I enjoy reading as well.
Thanks! Nice to meet you 😊
Thanks for stopping by couchmagpie.com the other day – I also love books, always have at least one on the go and try to keep writing my own too. Keep up the good work 🙂
Thank you so much 😊
Good luck with you book!
Thank you for taking the time to visit http://www.rivenrod.com. Much appreciated.
I’m looking forward to our next encounter. Until then, may I boldly ask you to take a look at my latest novel, Swell. You will find reviews and previews here: http://wp.me/PXk9K-259
If, by any chance, you would like to review my work, please contact me @ rivenrod@rocketmail.com and I will happily send you a copy.
Thank you 🙂
Thanks for liking my blog post! You have an amazing collection of reviews- can’t wait to check out some of your recommendations! 🙂
Thank you to for visiting my blog 😊
Hey Aman! Thanks soo much for stopping by HubEverything! BTW, it’s always nice to know another book lover!😀
Always a pleasure to meet another book lover! 🙂
love anything to do with books 🙂
😳 me too
Thank you for stopping by our blog. Always nice to meet a fellow book lover.
It is Maria. Thank you 😊
Hello Aman!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m going to have a look around here and check out your published work, reviews, and advice!
Thank you Roderick 😊
Always lovely to meet fellow book lovers 🙂
Indeed. Thanks for visiting 👍
Your blog is so addictive! I love it.
Thanks 👍😊
Thank you so much visiting my blog and liking a post. Hope you come back again soon
Will surely do. Thanks 👍😄
Thanks for stopping by and liking a post at my new blog commonplacebookblog.com. Great to see your site 🙂
Thank you too.
Thanks for stopping by and liking my post, Aman. Happy Reading!
You to Melissa 😁
Thank you so much for stopping by my book blog https://propensitytodiscuss.wordpress.com/ Like what you have going on here! Keep reading and reviewing!
Thanks for reverting back! 👍
Thank you so much for finding my blog and liking a post. Hope you come back again soon
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Hello, Aman! Thanks for following my blog. I hope you enjoy readig my posts. Feel free to comment.
Thank you too 🙂
I love your quotes Aman!!
Thanks Jen 😄
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Much appreciated. Your blog looks amazing. Very nice.
[…] Aman MittalKindle Edition, 91 pg.2018 Read: February 2, 2018 This is a short “how-to” book for […]
Wait . . . You’re a slytherin too?! high-five
And BTW now since I am free from this curse called exams I’m getting your book today! I know, I know I’d said the same thing a month ago but my parents . . . Banned . . . New books . . . 8th grade . . . Big class . . . Ugh.
Yeah, High-five!
Have you bought it? If not, let me know.