Category: 5 Stars

BOOK REVIEW: Mastery by Robert Greene 

BOOK REVIEW: Mastery by Robert Greene 

Posted January 12, 2017 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

For a start, I want you to watch this video: No, I did not watch this video before reading Mastery by Robert Greene book. Though I do watched it after reading the book and it made me read the book again and get deep into it. Malkhaz has elegantly and importantly described the whole 310 pages long book in almost 13 minutes and if you are not going to read this post, at least watch the video. You’ll definitely learn something new. If you decide to read this post, keep in my mind that I’m only writing about this book is because I enjoyed reading it and simply want to share my thoughts on it. I was first introduced to Robert […]

BOOK REVIEW: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

BOOK REVIEW: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Posted December 30, 2016 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books / 0 Comments

My Rating: 5/5 I introduced myself to Tim Ferriss last year when I randomly found a post on his blog in which he had interviewed Maria Popova. Actually, I was searching for Brain Picking’s Maria Popova’s interviews as she is such an inspiring blogging personality, the way she curate the content for every post is amazing and seems an example of a creative process, just right out of her imagination.You must check out Brain Pickings. Moreover, scan through Tim Ferriss’ blog which is called and got introduced to his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show [Podcast Link]. He has done an amazing job by taking more than hundred 60+ minute interviews with some of the successful and interesting people by digging […]

Top NonFiction Books I Read in 2016 Part 1

Top NonFiction Books I Read in 2016 Part 1

As this year is closing down, I have decided to produce some lists under the title “Read in 2016” for you such that would have more trouble managing your TBR lists next year (*grin*). More titles to add to you to-read lists. Well that’s the whole intention of all book lists such as the Top Tens, and the Top Fives, of the year, to introduce you to books that , are the chances, you might have not read and I will try every ounce to convince to at least take look at the titles over or Amazon and may be, add to your wishlist/TBR/to-read list.

BOOK REVIEW: Rather Be The Devil by Ian Rankin

BOOK REVIEW: Rather Be The Devil by Ian Rankin

Rebus is back. And he’s not getting old, age seem just a number for him and his creator, Ian Rankin. He’s 21 books old now. Rather Be The Devil is the new entitlement released on November, 3rd. When I heard earlier this year that Ian Rankin has rejected to my request for an interview with for a third time in three years, I thought, ‘Oh Boy! Either I am a pretty bad interviewer or he’s upto something really good. Probably a new Rebus novel. I’ll take that gladly, sir.’ Rebus is into his retirement for almost a couple of years now. But curiosity is a disease and when one’s neurone start sending the type of electrical signals, the giant awakens. […]

REVIEW: Seneca On Anger

REVIEW: Seneca On Anger

Posted August 23, 2016 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books, Philosphy, Reviews / 0 Comments

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, or Seneca was a philosopher and is best known for his wisdom that may help one to rethink of his own perspectives on life. Seneca was a stoic and during his time embraced Stoicism. He was also an advisor to the Roman Emperor, Nero, in 54 AD. His essays such as On Shortness of Life, and On Anger clearly reflect his contribution to the Stoic philosophy. Surprisingly, I was never introduced to the word Stoicism before. Not during my school years, nor my college years. I guess, it is my mistake that I was never curious enough to explore, open to ideas such as Stoicism posses, until recently when I first read Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. On Anger […]

Stoner by John Williams

Stoner by John Williams

Posted August 2, 2016 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

A fascinating, fast, elegant read. William Stoner and we all have something in common.

Know Thyself with Yolanda De Iuliis

Know Thyself with Yolanda De Iuliis

Posted June 14, 2016 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

How many people stare at the rain and see the raindrops? How many sit on the beach and watch the wave crash? Why do we not watch a bird fly and wish to see what it sees? I wonder how the bird sees and feels the rain that I see? What do you see when you see the rain? Questions! They are the most necessary constituent of a human mind, and essential for the progress of the same. Answering them is altogether another aspect of our mind, we, rational beings tend to give reasons for everything otherwise there is a huge amount of fluctuation in our neurones which we like to call chemical imbalance. Questions are what Yolanda De Iullis […]

Meditating with Marcus Aurelius

Meditating with Marcus Aurelius

Some practical words of wisdom to configure your life from a Roman Emperor.

BOOK REVIEW: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

BOOK REVIEW: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

Posted February 5, 2016 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books, Reviews / 9 Comments

The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera had had come across my sight a few times before I actually picked it. This time it wasn’t in front of my sight until a friend of mine and a fellow blogger, heartily recommended me to read it. When it comes to recommending books, there are two kinds of people, one who recommend books to their fellow beings according to their taste, and the one who would recommend anything to anyone. I am surely of the latter category, but I adore the recommendations as always. Milan Kundera certainly knows how to write. Set against the Russian invasion Czechoslovakia, it is the story of characters as real as you are. It starts with a […]

Book Review: The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Book Review: The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

Posted January 28, 2015 by @amanhimself in 5 Stars, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

“What in life is more personal than books?” -Gabreille Zevin The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is a stunningly written piece by Gabrielle Zevin, it’s a love letter to all the books ad readers. It displays a great example of the fact that a reader’s life is closely melded together with written words in the form of books. On the faded Island Books sign hanging over the porch of the Victorian cottage is the motto “No Man Is an Island; Every Book Is a World.” A. J. Fikry, the irascible owner, is about to discover just what that truly means. A. J. Fikry’s life is not at all what he expected it to be. His wife has died, his bookstore […]
