MyWorks – Confessions of a Readaholic Book Reviews | IAuhor nterviews | EST 2013 Tue, 18 Feb 2014 06:23:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MyWorks – Confessions of a Readaholic 32 32 142810393 CHRONCILES OF A BOOK ZOMBIE Tue, 18 Feb 2014 06:23:25 +0000 Am I a Book Zombie? From past five days I am getting trouble in sleeping. I cannot understand, I am tired due to a lot of travelling and still I cannot sleep. Only today I realized that in past three days not only I have read three books, not only more than 700 pages but I am feeling that I want to eat a book a page by page, word by word. That’s right. I don’t know if I am reaching my extreme point of reading books (and then eventually I’ll get tired of reading) or if the reading has seriously become an obsession for me. Sounds to me like my past eight years of reading is finally paying off […]

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Am I a Book Zombie?

From past five days I am getting trouble in sleeping. I cannot understand, I am tired due to a lot of travelling and still I cannot sleep. Only today I realized that in past three days not only I have read three books, not only more than 700 pages but I am feeling that I want to eat a book a page by page, word by word. That’s right. I don’t know if I am reaching my extreme point of reading books (and then eventually I’ll get tired of reading) or if the reading has seriously become an obsession for me. Sounds to me like my past eight years of reading is finally paying off but the consequences are pretty bad. I am not sleeping. I just cannot sleep. I am craving for reading more books. Everywhere I look, I just see words. Words, words, everywhere and many a words to read. What the hell! It’s 3:39 A.M. in the morning and I have a lecture to attend at 8:30 A.M. before that I have to eat, probably a breakfast which I haven’t had in past two days. I am hungry but this time not for food. Not for the red flesh or a brown piece of bread. When I was reading earlier, my stomach kept growling (and I must tell you, it growls better than many metal-band vocalists), I kept on reading words and more words. For the first time in span of eight years of my reading life, I am not tired of it. It’s something new for me and very indigestible.

Am I going crazy?

I certainly have turn into one of those creatures who feel nothing but just wants to go on and on with their obsession. Zombies are close to them. Maybe I have become one. And I am not the ordinary type of zombie I feel, I am a Book-Zombie. I even googled the term Book Zombie but what do they know of my type of creatures? All they had were some lists of novels written under the title of zombie. Maybe the term is not perfectly defined. If not, I don’t give a damn. I still have many books left to read. Many battles to conquer, many minds to read, many places to explore, and I am restless to do that. I wish I had more eyes than just two. Such that I could read more than one book simultaneously.

After reading so many words, I could only produce this much of words. Certainly there is a problem with my digestive system of words.

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SUBMISSIONS FOR THE MAGAZINE: GRAFFITI Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:18:27 +0000 Hello! Fellow Bloggers and Writers, We (Graffiti Team) are coming out with a magazine by the end January 2014. Though Graffiti was just a college magazine, few years before, and is one of longest running magazine of NIT(National Institute of Technology) Kurukshetra, this time we are going online. We are not just a college magazine anymore and our intended audience is the whole world. We will be publishing not more than 300 copies in paperback for the internal  publicity through our college and nearby places but we are also publishing online. This will be our first online issue which will be free to download. Our magazine is intend to be literary. We are covering fiction, poem, comic strips, book and movie […]

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Hello! Fellow Bloggers and Writers,

We (Graffiti Team) are coming out with a magazine by the end January 2014. Though Graffiti was just a college magazine, few years before, and is one of longest running magazine of NIT(National Institute of Technology) Kurukshetra, this time we are going online. We are not just a college magazine anymore and our intended audience is the whole world. We will be publishing not more than 300 copies in paperback for the internal  publicity through our college and nearby places but we are also publishing online. This will be our first online issue which will be free to download. Our magazine is intend to be literary. We are covering fiction, poem, comic strips, book and movie reviews. Also we have a column for  fan art including sketches and comic strips. Thus, we want submissions on the following topics:

  • Fan fiction
  • Fan-art
  • Comic Strips
  • Erotic Fiction

The word limit must not exceed 500 words.

All the submission must be e-mail to us at having the title Submission and must contain author details and his blog link (if he wishes to). The content for the magazine can either be an attached .doc or .docx file and for fan-art .jpeg or .png. Or the content can directly be in e-mail. The deadline for submission is 27 January 2014 by midnight.

You will be given full copyright of your content. You will also be emailed a copy of the issue directly to your mailbox when the magazine is out.

You can also follow us for the latest updates on our FACEBOOK page at: or search for Graffiti The Magazine

Thank you all!

Me and Graffiti Team

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'SOME' SORT OF FICTION Thu, 19 Dec 2013 18:45:00 +0000 “You cannot be a good writer of serious fiction if you are not depressed.” ― Kurt Vonnegut Don’t worry. You don’t have to be depressed right now. ‘Cause Fiction does not have to be serious all the time. It can be of ‘anything’. It has many kinds too. But only two general kinds of modern fiction are recognized as: Category or Genre Fiction and Mainstream Fiction. Category fiction includes science fiction, suspense, mystery, erotica, Gothic and writers like Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain were two category fiction writers. Mainstream writers like Ernst Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that kind of fiction which does not fit comfortably into one category fiction. Best example of mainstream fiction is Hemingway’s ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. A newbie […]

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“You cannot be a good writer of serious fiction if you are not depressed.”
 Kurt Vonnegut

Don’t worry. You don’t have to be depressed right now. ‘Cause Fiction does not have to be serious all the time. It can be of ‘anything’. It has many kinds too. But only two general kinds of modern fiction are recognized as: Category or Genre Fiction and Mainstream Fiction. Category fiction includes science fiction, suspense, mystery, erotica, Gothic and writers like Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain were two category fiction writers. Mainstream writers like Ernst Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that kind of fiction which does not fit comfortably into one category fiction. Best example of mainstream fiction is Hemingway’s ‘The Old Man and the Sea’.

A newbie writer would and must try to master one or at least two categories of category fiction such that then he would be able to to write a well-told mainstream fictitious story. For every reader wants to read well-told story and a writer who doesn’t enjoy each of word while writing then how can he make others like those words? Also, most modern day readers prefer category fiction such as mystery, fast-paced suspense, erotica, etc. Less reader prefer mainstream fiction. This can be confirmed by looking at any bestseller list in which 70-80% is category fiction.

So what makes a category fiction. Well there are four basic elements:

  • Plot
  • Protagonist and Anti
  • Background
  • Motivation behind

Plot, as we all know, is the basic body of any story. If a story does not have a plot there would be no story. Ever Shakespeare’s plays have plots. Plot, depends all on writer’s imagination, and of course they way he develops it.

Hero/Heroine and/or Anti-Hero/Villain are the basic characters. A story need to have a hero and in any fiction this is essential. A writer can never write about a character without not focusing on it. Even that character might be a bunch of hair stuck in the drain. The writer will have to analyse and has to spotlight that bunch of hair as to focus on it. That spotlight would be on main character. Having an anti-hero/heroine or a villain is not necessary. I mean to say, not necessary in human form but a villain can a situation or a problem which the hero/heroine has to face in order to complete the plot. There can multiple villains but there cannot be more than one hero. The protagonist can always have a ‘side-kick’ or a supporting character or more than one.

Background is an essential part of a story especially if you are writing like science fiction. In science fiction a writer need to set some background for the plot is constructed in the future from the present time. Background needs to strong such that a reader will believe in it. Sometimes, due to background a reader can stick to the whole story thus just to know what lies in the future. Thus, background has a similar functionality of a glue.

Motivation behind the plot and character building always result in a good story. The characterization is always a requirement but the story should not be sacrificed for the sake of a character study. Don’t spend too much time on analyzing the character to the reader. Get-along with story. Motivation certainly have some further bullet points which I’ll be discussing in a future post.

So, stay tuned.

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TOP TEN TUESDAY- TOP TEN AUTHORS OF 2013 Tue, 17 Dec 2013 07:59:18 +0000 With Top Ten Tuesday meme, I going to discuss Top Ten Authors I read in the year of 2013. I’ll start with number 10, MA JIAN, which I picked up randomly and was impressed by his style and the structure and organization of the context, though the length of the book, The Dark Road, was quite extensive. But in the end, I was glad I picked him up, and his style is unique and might seem satisfying to a reader if he reads Jian for the first time. The number 9 spot, I’ll give to GEORGE R. R. MARTIN, whose books I was trying to avoid from quite a long time but couldn’t resist anymore so I surrendered and I must say the series, A Song of Ice and Fire, is an impressive epic […]

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With Top Ten Tuesday meme, I going to discuss Top Ten Authors I read in the year of 2013.

I’ll start with number 10MA JIAN, which I picked up randomly and was impressed by his style and the structure and organization of the context, though the length of the book, The Dark Road, was quite extensive. But in the end, I was glad I picked him up, and his style is unique and might seem satisfying to a reader if he reads Jian for the first time.

The number spot, I’ll give to GEORGE R. R. MARTIN, whose books I was trying to avoid from quite a long time but couldn’t resist anymore so I surrendered and I must say the series, A Song of Ice and Fire, is an impressive epic fantasy and I quite enjoyed them. The length of the books were quite a challenge and thus I had fun conquering it  and I ended up reading all five books which constitute the series till current date.

8th spot goes to PATRICK ROTHFUSS, recently read The Name of the Wind, which is more satisfying and his style and plot-writing is slightly better than George Martin, in some way, but hey, I am not saying Martin is bad or something. It was pretty hard for me to choose between the two and I decided Rothfuss should go above Martin as Martin disappoints me in the length of his books but hey, he is ‘good’. So is Rothfuss and both are great icons of the epic fantasies.

Number 7 is considered an iconic in the football (soccer) club I prefer to follow, many good players have worn that number during their time at the club, created history, and crafted memories which are unforgettable and became legendary. Such is PETER CUNNINGHAM, an award winning Irish novelist. His historical fiction, The Sea and Silence, introduced me to a new level of writing. The level is simple, unique and touches a reader’s head as well as his heart. It’s a powerful novel, I would say and I expect him that he continues to create such cherishing novels in future. That’s why I gave him number 7, he has the potential.

6th spot goes to, GEORGE ORWELL, for writing an exceptional novel based on truth which turned out to be very realistic in future. In our time, and the coming future, the idea his novel, 1984, implies is a fact, implemented today if not fully, well it will be someday. The way higher authorities want to control people, this novel describe it beautifully also with some thrill. Orwell, I salute you for writing such a novel.

Halfway through the list, and here comes the 5th author. IAN RANKIN, my all time favorite crime fiction writer in modern day writing. His style, character building and plot structure are all better than others of his own field. I won’t say their names, but when you read him and then you read them, I am sure you will be able to tell the difference. A Scottish, which, a few years back, I picked out randomly has turned to be one of my favorites. His words mysteriously provides me the motivation to explore more and more and to continue to read.

The number 4 is SCOTT F. FITZGERALD, one of the American classicist of the jazz age. He flatters me by the philosophy he is uses behind his words and the way he keeps his characters such the the reader will remain, no matter what, neutral. That feeling is something new and unique to experience which only Fitzgerald can give you.

Now comes the podium holders:

3rd is astonishing MARKUS ZUSAK, whose exceptional book, The Book Thief, made me crazy about him. The only thing I admire in his writing is the way he creates the plot. And after creating the plot he develops the character such that they will fit into the story like they are it’s own offspring’s. Hats off to the guy who stayed in New York Time Bestseller for 230 weeks. He’s one of those five out five ones.

2nd is FRANZ KAFKA, who he is just ‘Kafkaesque’. Powerful, knows how to drag the reader in a motion without letting the reader to realise, and leaves a reader, impressed. He is one of the best European Writers I have ever read. And believe me, he’s not over-rated.

And the 1st, I have to say, I admire her, her writing, her beautiful mind, she is SYLVIA PLATH. The first work I read of her was The Bell Jar, which was disappointing and I told myself, that’s not Sylvia Plath. Then I read many of her poems, and her Unabridged Journal which made me fell in love her. Through her poems I could  clearly see the way she used her imagination and how she settled down the words.I could read through her poems and imagine her writing which just feels like reading another book. I seriously felt in love with her writing, and had a fantasy of meeting upon and having a dinner.

So here completes my TOP TEN AUTHORS of 2013.  I am still exploring some new and reading those old classy writers. As this year is coming to a warm end, next year, I intend to read more and many new authors. So tell me, What are your favorite authors or any new author you read and he just blew your mind ?

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A REAL WORDLESS WEDNESDAY Wed, 11 Dec 2013 19:06:24 +0000 It’s been past two days since I have been at home. It’s like I may have over relaxed, may have over slept, or over eaten… ’cause I am not getting any words in my head. And also, I am not able to read not more than 100 pages a day of the book I am currently reading. I am depressed. Is this a writer’s block? Is it this how it is? It makes me feel sick. But then, why not reading is helping me. Is there also a reader’s block? If there is, then I am sure dead. I won’t be able to survive the dishonesty of daily life without reading. I will be doomed. Become a slave may be. […]

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It’s been past two days since I have been at home. It’s like I may have over relaxed, may have over slept, or over eaten… ’cause I am not getting any words in my head. And also, I am not able to read not more than 100 pages a day of the book I am currently reading. I am depressed. Is this a writer’s block? Is it this how it is? It makes me feel sick. But then, why not reading is helping me. Is there also a reader’s block? If there is, then I am sure dead. I won’t be able to survive the dishonesty of daily life without reading. I will be doomed. Become a slave may be. How does it even happen? Does it happen when you stop reading for a month? Do you develop a dislike for the books, though at this point I hadn’t reached there and don’t want too, not in this life(It’s pity, I don’t get more than one. If I did, I would have tried reading all the books written in the world). I want to search my mind that why I am not able to focus on my reading, I guess, my mind is in the ice age mode. May be it’s just the weather. Winter, always a cruel mistress to me. Always.

Have you ever felt a reader’s block? Have you? If you have then what did you do to kick him in his balls? Surely I have tried the reading part but cannot concentrate. May be reading was my super power which now I have lost it. Bollocks. I wish I could believe in that kind of stuff. But it’s funny and horrible to say reader’s block, at the same time. I’ll go for another round. Happy Wordless Wednesday, after-all.

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A SHORT JOURNEY OF A BAREFOOT Tue, 08 Oct 2013 19:35:08 +0000 On an early August morning, wandering alone on the crispy and crumby dead leaves I felt sharp rays of sun appearing betwixt the naked branches of trees. The trees appeared as some broken mannequins, their faces totally blank in aspect to show an expression that if ever a brainy mind ever groom in them or do they have brainless mind already? I felt even if I stand all day long and just stare them, they will still be blank just like the current state of humanity. People don’t react on the consequences and events they should but they do overreact on when they should show least of the interest. Squirrels were hovering hither and thither trees to hide themselves beneath […]

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On an early August morning, wandering alone on the crispy and crumby dead leaves I felt sharp rays of sun appearing betwixt the naked branches of trees. The trees appeared as some broken mannequins, their faces totally blank in aspect to show an expression that if ever a brainy mind ever groom in them or do they have brainless mind already? I felt even if I stand all day long and just stare them, they will still be blank just like the current state of humanity. People don’t react on the consequences and events they should but they do overreact on when they should show least of the interest.

Squirrels were hovering hither and thither trees to hide themselves beneath the shadow of leaves. And they failed to find any. Just like those sinners who try to hide behind someone as if to blame him of their own sins and feeling of guilt. Do sinners even have the feeling of guilt, I wonder? It’s an odd habit among us humans and an old one too, which the with ages being passed, we, humans  have to failed to change in ourselves despite how drastically we have changed materialistically.

This lonely path was unclear and far away had a blurry glimpse of what might come but still I wandered barefooted just like the humanity is living through centuries. With the every step I took, a monotonous effect of sound came from crumbling of the dead leaves. I usually encountered some small pointed pebbles which would pinch right through the skin like through the soul, only to make it hard and to suffer from severe pain for an instance. I wondered, humanity is like this only. No matter how many centuries we had endured we still are unable to omit small-small negative notions in our society and day to day living which eventually effect us in bigger sense. They are nothing but pain in vain.

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WORLD OF FICTION Sat, 31 Aug 2013 19:50:25 +0000 Books are written because an author wants to write and a reader wants to read. Fiction is a most read form of writing and it is the kind of writing that is not factual. In the world of fiction, I am going to concentrate on four aspects of fiction: Flash Fiction, Short Story, Novella, and Micro Fiction. Flash Fiction is small. They are short, short stories. Generally consists of 500 to 750 words. Well, if you think writing that many words is easy for you, think again. If you still think it is easy for you, well try to the limit. In my research a Flash Fiction does not exceed 1,000 words. Short Story which is something between a Flash Fiction and a Novella. I love reading short stories. They […]

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Books are written because an author wants to write and a reader wants to read. Fiction is a most read form of writing and it is the kind of writing that is not factual.

In the world of fiction, I am going to concentrate on four aspects of fiction: Flash Fiction, Short StoryNovella, and Micro Fiction.

Flash Fiction is small. They are short, short stories. Generally consists of 500 to 750 words. Well, if you think writing that many words is easy for you, think again. If you still think it is easy for you, well try to the limit. In my research a Flash Fiction does not exceed 1,000 words.

Short Story which is something between a Flash Fiction and a Novella. I love reading short stories. They give me enough to really satisfy my curiosity about the character and plot, bringing the story to a dynamic conclusion—all without leaving my chair once. That’s the hallmark of a short story. You should be able to read it in one sitting.

Normally, a short story range from 1,000 to 10,000 words but the genre also has a big part in it.

Novella. Five years back if you would ask me what a Novella is, I might have not known. And I have never written one. The length gives you room for more characters and more story. It pulls up short of a novel, making it the perfect size for avid readers with a short attention span.

Some writers want to call their 50,000 or 60,000 word manuscripts a novel. The culprit of this is probably National Novel Writing Month. It challenges you to write a novel in a month. The goal is 50,000 words. But if you ask a publishing company they would underline the words that  minimum is usually 80,000 words and can go as high as 240,000. But then we have the genre thing again.

Micro Fiction. It is tiny. Generally about the length of a Tweet or maybe a little longer than that.

Hopefully, my explanation of the specific terms was informative.

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HOW TO LOVE YOUR FATHER? Tue, 30 Jul 2013 22:46:54 +0000 It felt I was going to meet my father after a long periodic time. I was excited but also nervous. Meetings with my father always gave me butterflies in my stomach. Due to the past experience, our meetings were always short and premature. We either end up on calmly disagreeing with each other or end up arguing on idiotic situations. His ways, my ways were quite different. Of course, they would be. After all we were two different human beings. But he still supported me. He compromised with his own time and space, and devoted his whole for me. I have always felt a question in my mind, would he had not been my father, what in the hell would […]

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It felt I was going to meet my father after a long periodic time. I was excited but also nervous. Meetings with my father always gave me butterflies in my stomach. Due to the past experience, our meetings were always short and premature. We either end up on calmly disagreeing with each other or end up arguing on idiotic situations. His ways, my ways were quite different. Of course, they would be. After all we were two different human beings. But he still supported me. He compromised with his own time and space, and devoted his whole for me. I have always felt a question in my mind, would he had not been my father, what in the hell would I have done with myself? You see, I was that dependent on him still pretending to the outer world and myself that I am independent. We all are, dependent on our parents due to some reasons. And we do not need reasons to depend on them. Those reasons are just a blur of words, the real reason which I realize is their love for us and the love they expect even though they won’t tell us that they crave for it. I knew I would be his offspring as long as I am a material.

The meeting with him this time was different. He did not come to pick me up. Instead, he sent his car. When I came home, I was cheerfully greeted by my mother. And I felt those butterflies were bygones. But then I saw him, and they come back in an instant. I saw him, he had a smile on his face as he always did, even during those times of despair and pain which I gave him or at the time of life which we fought together. I conquered most of the life because he helped me to do it.

I saw him, his decaying face. I could say that cause I bore his blood in my veins. His eyes were filled with those gloomy clouds you must have seen. They just come out of the weather and it never rains. The wind blows them away. But this time, I saw there was no wind. Even the strong west wind which when strikes and blows, material things feel some despair, felt weak. I saw he had grown small, his face was dull and short, and skinny. His black mustache was as white as snow but there was no mountain to hold it up. His voice had grown weaker since I last saw him.

I realized I could have spent all those years with him such that we could have fought against life some more days together. Such that his smile would still have been cheerful and one of the happiest smile. I knew he missed me and I did too. All those bad and sad butterflies were now in my head. As if they can travel even faster than my thoughts. After watching him struggle to stand from his chair and greet me with his hug which was still warm and reminded me of the previous ones. All his hugs were that strong and warm and I always felt my self-esteem boosted as there was someone for me always. This moment I only feel I could time travel back, wish had a TARDIS, would hug him each and every day that I have missed.

By feeling the essence of his presence I was still care free and well protected from the demons of the world. I saw his eyes were looking straight in my eyes and I saw he felt and understood well each and every thought I was having right now in my mind.

Finally those words came out of my mouth, “Dad, I love you”.

He smiled. And this time I saw one of the happiest smile I had ever seen.


It was just a dream, I feel the essence of the dream is enough to teach a man.

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ALE OF BOSNIAN BAR ( A Poem) Tue, 09 Jul 2013 11:47:26 +0000 ALE OF BOSNIAN BAR ( A Poem) by Aman Mittal Get drunk, live life Have fun, love your wife If you don’t have one, try somebody else’s Welcome to the Bosnian Bar Try some wine Cheap beer makes you wild Taste some whiskey But don’t get too tipsy Otherwise you’ll end up in trash Smelling of puke and with no cash With no clothes on, in the chilly wind of Bosnia You might get pneumonia Take care of your missus She might get some kisses If not you, then we’ll do Welcome to the Bosnian Bar.

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by Aman Mittal

Get drunk, live life
Have fun, love your wife

If you don’t have one, try somebody else’s

Welcome to the Bosnian Bar

Try some wine

Cheap beer makes you wild

Taste some whiskey

But don’t get too tipsy

Otherwise you’ll end up in trash
Smelling of puke and with no cash
With no clothes on, in the chilly wind of Bosnia

You might get pneumonia

Take care of your missus

She might get some kisses

If not you, then we’ll do

Welcome to the Bosnian Bar.

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A BLUE BOX (A Poem) Wed, 03 Jul 2013 18:43:19 +0000 A Blue Box by Aman Mittal I am sending back the key Which let me in your study Where we made love in madness; I am sending back the key Of the darkroom which I cannot see Anymore, where my X-rayed heart Thrown away in a blue box.  

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A Blue Box

by Aman Mittal

I am sending back the key

Which let me in your study

Where we made love in madness;

I am sending back the key

Of the darkroom which I cannot see

Anymore, where my X-rayed heart

Thrown away in a blue box.


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