SHALL I DIE? (A POEM) by Aman Mittal Let me die, fot I’ve seen a lot Let me die, for I had dreamed this of Days and nights, months and years Through intended summer and temperate winter, In eternal times, I’ve hath grown Light shall fade For my death does not brag, Let me die, For man can breathe And your eyes can see For my life shattered to death Will be someone’s birth in bright. But still I ask, As the eye of heaven shines, upon me Shall I die?
Thanks to Mr. Brian Wrixon for including my work in his latest anthology “In Our Own Words”. For more, visit: http://www.blurb.com/books/4119862-in-our-own-words
I got this special book from a friend, on his recommendation.
BOOKS THIS MONTH: So bloggers, what are you reading this month?
A DULL HERO by Aman Mittal a few words to empty my mind It has been four days since the sun had seen my woe. Misery is a mistress, a sickly mistress, who has but a single thorn which is enough for a man to die who has been in love with her. But I thank thee angry god that I never had such an emotion in me. If its a emotion. Love how it feels, I never felt. It is like an other world to me which is quite far from where I am now. People do fall in love and they speak of it as if it is eternal. They describe love as a godlike Romans rage which […]
CUSTOMER: Do you have a copy of Bella Swan’s favourite book? You know, from Twilight? (Bookseller sighs and pulls a copy of Wuthering Heights off the shelf) CUSTOMER: Do you have the one with the cover that looks like Twilight? BOOKSELLER: No. This is an antiquarian bookshop, so this is an old edition of the book. CUSTOMER: But it’s still the one with that girl Cathy and the dangerous guy, right? BOOKSELLER: Yes, it’s still the story by Emily Bronte. CUSTOMER: Right. Do you think they’ll make it into a film? BOOKSELLER: They’ve made several films of it. The one where Ralph Fiennes plays Heathcliff is very good. CUSTOMER: What? Voldemort plays Heathcliff? BOOKSELLER: Well . . . CUSTOMER: But […]
LA MIA (A Poem Of Love) The sky was blue Not a single cloud was there Not a single one grey I was walking down the fields Just thinking of you Just thinking of you. I wanted to see you So I decided to be at your place before the noon. As I was walking down the fields I met a beautiful rose Whom I thought would be Perfect for you. But as I touched the petals The rose squeaked out In her musical voice ‘ O Great Being! You shall leave me As I’m nothing in use to you I have more thorns then the red petals. You shall […]
AROMA (an ode to the sweet) (by Aman Mittal) Young was the sun But it couldn’t be younger than you. Bright was the moon But it couldn’t be brighter than your eyes. Dark was the night But it couldn’t be darker than your hair. Charming the knight was But he couldn’t be charmer than you. Red was the rose But it couldn’t be for your lips were redder. Sweet was the Aroma, of flower Alas! It couldn’t be sweeter than your Aroma By which, I am Fortunately, surrounded. Even the Eve was beautiful for Adam But she couldn’t be, For you are the Most!
Veronika Decides to Die Author: Paulo Coelho “If one day I could get out of here, I would allow myself to be crazy. Everyone is indeed crazy, but the craziest are the ones who don’t know they’re crazy; they just keep repeating what others tell them to.” The fundamental question that the author puts forth on is what madness actually is. We all seem to have ideas on what madness is, but Coelho’s book provides an answer which we all know but have a kind of fear or hesitation to implement it. But yes, what is madness? Creating our own world and choosing to live in it, without concern about other things that do not matter. That what madness is. […]