Tag: aman mittal

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Posted June 18, 2018 by @amanhimself in Announcement / 2 Comments

Are you looking forward to start a Book Blog but do not know what to do with it or where to start? Or do you have a book blog but still struggling to get followers and increase your viewership? Check out my new ebook A Blogger’s Manifesto.    A Blogger’s Manifesto is a short ebook (around 100 pages) about blogging written by a blogger. It covers the story of my book blog Confessions of a Readaholic and other essentials for an individual who is getting started with blogging or is a new blogger. The book in detail covers: Starting a blog with zero followers Writing a compelling blog post Why Comments are essential part in blogging community How to reach your […]

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

Posted June 14, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 2 Comments

Pages: 352, Paperback Publication: February 2018 by Nation Books Cover Rating: 5/5 Das Reboot How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World which was published in 2015 after the German National Team won the FIFA World Cup and recent achievements of German Clubs in European Football.  It is written by Raphael Honigstein who has come up with another German Football related story for us, and this time a high profile manager Jurgen Klopp.

7 Books You Can Read in One Day for a Readathon

7 Books You Can Read in One Day for a Readathon

Posted June 5, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book List, Books / 5 Comments

Who does not like to read a book in one sitting? In this post, I am going to present you with a list of books that can be used for a calm weekend after a tiring week, while traveling or even Readathons! Readers who think are falling behind in their Goodreads Yearly Challenge or want to jumpstart can also use books mentioned in the list below. I love shorter books. Sometimes it is better to tell a story in less amount of words and leave the rest for the reader to figure out. Novellas are still written by modern-day writers and sold by publishers. In the list below, I will try to diversify as much as I can. Let us […]

BOOK REVIEW: Sombrero Fallout by Richard Brautigan

BOOK REVIEW: Sombrero Fallout by Richard Brautigan

Posted June 2, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

Subtitled as a Japanese story, Richard Brautigan’s Sombrero Fallout is my second reading of the author’s work. It is a unique story, a peculiar one too, with themes that might seem bizarre at first but are actually brought to clarity as the plot moves forward

BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Crime by Vrushali Telang

BOOK REVIEW: Prime Time Crime by Vrushali Telang

Posted May 31, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 1 Comment

Vrushali Telang’s latest book, Prime Time Crime is a novella. It conspires a story of a news reporter and a mafia Gangster in the city of Mumbai. The plot is intriguing and at the same time well structured. It is something new to read and expect from an Indian writer. The plot starts with the introduction to our first protagonist of the story, a shooter who works for top-notch don and kills at least 3 to four high profile people in a year. He intuition of using a rifle is what got him the job in the first place. Dwell further, we are then introduced to our second protagonist who is an intern as a news reporter. Within a month […]

BOOK REVIEW: Hot Milk by Deborah Levy

BOOK REVIEW: Hot Milk by Deborah Levy

Posted May 24, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 3 Comments

Pages: 221, Kindle Edition Published: 2016, Bloomsbury Cover Rating: 5/5 Nominated for The Man Booker’s Prize in 2016, Hot Milk by Deborah Levy has been siting on my virtual shelf for over a year. I thought, before this year ends I should give it a go.

BOOK REVIEW: Reading People by Anne Bogel

BOOK REVIEW: Reading People by Anne Bogel

Posted May 22, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

Pages: 226, Kindle Edition Published: 2017 by Baker Books Cover Rating: 4/5 Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes is the latest written flick by Anne Bogel. The title is so cliched and attractive at the same time that I decided to pick this book last week. For those of you, likewise me, are unaware of who is Anne Bogel, well, she is a blogger who excessively read books and share stuff like #bookstagram on her blog Modern Mrs. Darcy.

BOOK REVIEW: Age of Azmoq – The Valantian Imperium by Rajamayyoor Sharma

BOOK REVIEW: Age of Azmoq – The Valantian Imperium by Rajamayyoor Sharma

Posted May 19, 2018 by @amanhimself in blog, Books, Fiction / 5 Comments

Reading a highly imaginative tale can go either way, the good or the bad. Out of the imagination comes the plot and the characters which form the complete story. The effort of the writer does not diminish itself, but these are the two main factors I look in every fantasy novel. Age of Azmoq – The Valantian Imperium by Rajamayyoor Sharma is a fantasy novel. Azmoq is a rare metal found on the planet. It’s the ultimate source and symbol of real power, and the Valantian Imperium controls it all in Valantia. It is a tale that consists of magic and sorcery. and adventures that fill all 470 plus pages. The storyline of the book is divided into forty-eight chapters. […]

BOOK REVIEW: Powerful by Patty McCord

BOOK REVIEW: Powerful by Patty McCord

Posted May 17, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 2 Comments

The nature of business in the modern digital and information overload age is ever-changing. The foundation of Patty McCord’s book Powerful – Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility is that the as workplace progress, so should human resources. The author challenges the old, traditional corporate HR that include annual performance reviews, retention plans, engagement programs, etc. She clearly speaks her mind in the early chapters that these activities and actions are a mere waste of time and resources and why the modern day companies, irrespective of their number of employees should not practice them. I liked this ideology. I feel this is the most positive point in the book. All that corporate mumbo-jumbo is a distraction and I have […]

BOOK REVIEW: Clarity is the Only Spirituality by Susunaga Weeraperuma

BOOK REVIEW: Clarity is the Only Spirituality by Susunaga Weeraperuma

Posted May 12, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Non-Fiction / 0 Comments

How often to do you think a human brain, your mind, is at peace? Not the ultimate peace, but the one from all the daily chaos that makes it scattered and eventually affects our decisions. Susunaga Weeraperuma who devotes different forms of yoga, organic gardening, creative writing, reading, and meditation, thinks has the answer to the above question and has come out with a book with the same level of wisdom to enlight his readers. The book starts on a high note and directly with the first chapter. The author addresses the title of the book in the first chapter and goes on talking about ‘attention’ span of a human mind in the first chapter. The whole book is divided […]
