Tag: Non-Fiction

BOOK REVIEW: Such is Her Life by Reecha Agarwal Goyal

BOOK REVIEW: Such is Her Life by Reecha Agarwal Goyal

Posted June 23, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Non-Fiction / 0 Comments

Such is Her Life is the debut work of writer Reecha Goyal published earlier this year. It is a heartwarming collection of thoughts. These thoughts are based mostly on reality and presented to us as a reader in the form of musings. It is as clear and raw as if I, the reader is picking on her brain. Expressed over 184 pages long, the whole concept works well as it contains around 150 musings. The common theme of these musings is the role a woman plays in lives of everyone as a mother, daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law, but societal norms do not appreciate all the effort to the life giver herself. I know that the western world has accepted or […]

BOOK REVIEW: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

BOOK REVIEW: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Posted June 21, 2018 by @amanhimself in Books / 0 Comments

Since the start of this decade Gary’s Crush It! has done wonders for many of its readers. In it, he insisted that a vibrant personal brand was crucial to entrepreneurial success. I happen to read it recently, just he announced the launch of Crushing It! a follow-up or you can say a modern version of Crush It! because a lot has changed and evolved since Gary wrote his previous book in 2009.   In Crushing It! Gary Vaynerchuk starts by explaining why it is important to create a personal brand and what tools you can use to do so. He briefly shares his own journey about how in his twenties he developed his family’s wine business from $4 million to […]

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Posted June 18, 2018 by @amanhimself in Announcement / 2 Comments

Are you looking forward to start a Book Blog but do not know what to do with it or where to start? Or do you have a book blog but still struggling to get followers and increase your viewership? Check out my new ebook A Blogger’s Manifesto.    A Blogger’s Manifesto is a short ebook (around 100 pages) about blogging written by a blogger. It covers the story of my book blog Confessions of a Readaholic and other essentials for an individual who is getting started with blogging or is a new blogger. The book in detail covers: Starting a blog with zero followers Writing a compelling blog post Why Comments are essential part in blogging community How to reach your […]

BOOK REVIEW: Entering StartupLand by Jeffrey Bussgang

BOOK REVIEW: Entering StartupLand by Jeffrey Bussgang

Posted June 16, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

Pages: 232, Kindle Edition Published: October 2017,  by Harvard Business Review Press Cover Rating: 4/5 We see startups everywhere. Being a part of the fastest growing economy the word startup is now on the mouth of everyone. Some have their own definitions of it, but as Jeffrey Bussgang mentions it is hard to define the word startup in mere words. To help reader understand the concept and those aspiring to work for startups will definitely get some help by reading this book.

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

Posted June 14, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 2 Comments

Pages: 352, Paperback Publication: February 2018 by Nation Books Cover Rating: 5/5 Das Reboot How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World which was published in 2015 after the German National Team won the FIFA World Cup and recent achievements of German Clubs in European Football.  It is written by Raphael Honigstein who has come up with another German Football related story for us, and this time a high profile manager Jurgen Klopp.

BOOK REVIEW: The Digital Nomad Survival Guide by Peter Knudson and Katherine Conaway

BOOK REVIEW: The Digital Nomad Survival Guide by Peter Knudson and Katherine Conaway

Posted June 9, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

Pages: 172, Kindle Edition Published: February 2017 Cover Rating: 3/5 If you are curious about what a Digital Nomad is an if you are planning to be one in near future, The Digital Nomad Survival Guide: How to Successfully Travel the World While Working Remotely written by two nomads themselves: Peter Knudson and Katherine Conaway can be a good start.

BOOK REVIEW: Creativity for Sale by Jason SurfrApp

BOOK REVIEW: Creativity for Sale by Jason SurfrApp

Posted June 7, 2018 by @amanhimself in Books / 3 Comments

Pages: 224, Kindle Edition Published: 2014 by The Rebel Within Us Cover Rating: 5/5 I read a lot of business books these days and many a times I come across success stories of various entrepreneurs. But few of them talk about or share their story and how they got started from scratch. Jason Surfrapp’s Creativity for Sale: How I Made $1,000,000 Wearing T-Shirts and How You Can Turn Your Passion Into Profit, Too is a one of those few people.

7 Books You Can Read in One Day for a Readathon

7 Books You Can Read in One Day for a Readathon

Posted June 5, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book List, Books / 5 Comments

Who does not like to read a book in one sitting? In this post, I am going to present you with a list of books that can be used for a calm weekend after a tiring week, while traveling or even Readathons! Readers who think are falling behind in their Goodreads Yearly Challenge or want to jumpstart can also use books mentioned in the list below. I love shorter books. Sometimes it is better to tell a story in less amount of words and leave the rest for the reader to figure out. Novellas are still written by modern-day writers and sold by publishers. In the list below, I will try to diversify as much as I can. Let us […]

BOOK REVIEW: A Beginner’s Guide to Losing Your Mind by Emily Reynolds

BOOK REVIEW: A Beginner’s Guide to Losing Your Mind by Emily Reynolds

Posted May 29, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 1 Comment

Published: May, 2017 Pages: 240, Kindle Edition Emily Reynolds latest book, A Beginner’s Guide to Losing Your Mind is memoir about battles with bipolar. She has spent years trying to cope with her symptoms after being diagnosed as bipolar in her early 20s and has spent years trying to understand how to live with her diagnosis.

BOOK REVIEW: Side Hustle – From Ideas to Income in 27 Days by Chris Guillebeau

BOOK REVIEW: Side Hustle – From Ideas to Income in 27 Days by Chris Guillebeau

Posted May 26, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 2 Comments

Pages: 272, Kindle Edition Published: September 2017 Cover Rating: 5/5 From the author of The Art of Nonconformity, The Happiness Pursuit and The $100 Startup, we have now in our hands a book that describe tips and share stories of similar ambitious beings who are earning extra cash while hustling. The book is an idea out of the popular podcast hosted by the author himself, Chris Guillebeau: Side Hustle School which is available both on iTunes and for Android.
