Tag: top

BOOK REVIEW: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

BOOK REVIEW: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

Posted July 21, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 5 Comments

  Pages: 320, Kindle Edition Published: 2011 Cover Rating: 2/5 Do you often wonder about how you can improve your memory even after staging and settling into the adulthood? When was the last time you tried to memorise a phone number? Do you still remember it? If not, Johsua Foer’s Moonwalking with Einstein can be a great start to explore a real life experience of someone working on and improving his own memory to become a “mental athlete” and describing baby steps to build what is commonly known as a “memory palace”.

Announcement: Book and Ebook Giveaway

Announcement: Book and Ebook Giveaway

Posted July 20, 2018 by @amanhimself in Announcement / 4 Comments

Hi Readers 👋! I am currently looking for book lovers who are eager to grab to-be bestsellers or debut work of authors across the globe. To declutter any confusion, I have created two lists for you to join. First is Book Giveaway, for Indian residents only. The second is Ebook Giveaway, that anyone across the globe can join.

Tips on #BookBlogging

Tips on #BookBlogging

  Do you want to become a better blogger? Or you struggling to even start one? Being a blogger means more than just putting words into post. Everything matters when it comes to run a blog consistently. Things like a blog’s design, managing social media profiles, saving countless drafts and then scheduling them in manner as they fit your theme of the month or something like that. Lastly, do not forget about networking with authors and fellow bloggers. It sounds overwhelming. It is OVERWHELMING 😅 I am here to help. I have been writing this blog for about 5 years now and have monthly subscribers of more than 7.5k. I am currently writing for three blogs other than this and various […]

BOOK REVIEW: Keshava by Bhawana Somaaya

BOOK REVIEW: Keshava by Bhawana Somaaya

Posted June 26, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Fiction / 0 Comments

Bhawana Somaaya is a journalist and an author of 14 books. Her latest book, Keshava – A Magnificent Obsession. Lord Krishna is one of the many gods in Hindu religion. He can be identified in various forms and his identity is spread in a variety of cultures all across the nation. That said, he has been a significant part of Indian Mythology. This book does not have a significant plot that concentrates on character building with twists and turns. This book is something altogether different. It is divided into nine different chapters in which the lord is himself represented as different entities. These entities vary from being an obsession, lord of knowledge, cows and trees, love, guardian to royalty, and […]

BOOK REVIEW: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

BOOK REVIEW: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Posted June 21, 2018 by @amanhimself in Books / 0 Comments

Since the start of this decade Gary’s Crush It! has done wonders for many of its readers. In it, he insisted that a vibrant personal brand was crucial to entrepreneurial success. I happen to read it recently, just he announced the launch of Crushing It! a follow-up or you can say a modern version of Crush It! because a lot has changed and evolved since Gary wrote his previous book in 2009.   In Crushing It! Gary Vaynerchuk starts by explaining why it is important to create a personal brand and what tools you can use to do so. He briefly shares his own journey about how in his twenties he developed his family’s wine business from $4 million to […]

10 Bookish Hashtags to Follow on Instagram

10 Bookish Hashtags to Follow on Instagram

Posted June 19, 2018 by @amanhimself in Blogging Tips, Book List, Books / 3 Comments

Instagram runs on Hashtags. Without ‘#…’  it would not exist. It is a relevant and a useful way to find things that interests you as a user. If you are blogger/book blogger/ bookworm and like to click or share what you are reading with the world, you probably are familiar with the power of Instagram. If not, I am going to share with you 10 hashtags that can help you get started in a quickly fashion on Instagram.

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Looking forward to becoming a #BookBlogger?

Posted June 18, 2018 by @amanhimself in Announcement / 2 Comments

Are you looking forward to start a Book Blog but do not know what to do with it or where to start? Or do you have a book blog but still struggling to get followers and increase your viewership? Check out my new ebook A Blogger’s Manifesto.    A Blogger’s Manifesto is a short ebook (around 100 pages) about blogging written by a blogger. It covers the story of my book blog Confessions of a Readaholic and other essentials for an individual who is getting started with blogging or is a new blogger. The book in detail covers: Starting a blog with zero followers Writing a compelling blog post Why Comments are essential part in blogging community How to reach your […]

BOOK REVIEW: Entering StartupLand by Jeffrey Bussgang

BOOK REVIEW: Entering StartupLand by Jeffrey Bussgang

Posted June 16, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 0 Comments

Pages: 232, Kindle Edition Published: October 2017,  by Harvard Business Review Press Cover Rating: 4/5 We see startups everywhere. Being a part of the fastest growing economy the word startup is now on the mouth of everyone. Some have their own definitions of it, but as Jeffrey Bussgang mentions it is hard to define the word startup in mere words. To help reader understand the concept and those aspiring to work for startups will definitely get some help by reading this book.

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

BOOK REVIEW: Bring the Noise by Raphael Honigstein

Posted June 14, 2018 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 2 Comments

Pages: 352, Paperback Publication: February 2018 by Nation Books Cover Rating: 5/5 Das Reboot How German Football Reinvented Itself and Conquered the World which was published in 2015 after the German National Team won the FIFA World Cup and recent achievements of German Clubs in European Football.  It is written by Raphael Honigstein who has come up with another German Football related story for us, and this time a high profile manager Jurgen Klopp.

BOOK REVIEW: Beekeeping for Beginners by Laurie R. King

BOOK REVIEW: Beekeeping for Beginners by Laurie R. King

Posted June 12, 2018 by @amanhimself in Books, Reviews / 10 Comments

Pages: 77, Kindle Edition Published: 2011, Random House I am big fan of Conan Doyle’s writings that include Sherlock Holmes and this year I realised I should try adaptions of same character written by other authors. After reading Martin Greenberg’s anthologies on Holmes’ Christmas Stories I came across Laurie R. Kings Mary Russell series. Mary Russell is a young girl that Holmes after retiring from being a Private Detective and relocating him in Sussex, takes an apprentice of. This short novella can be called the origin of this new series of adventure. The plot is interesting but the adventure Sherlock Holmes pick up at the age of 54 to save his wealthy orphaned protégée is bit off for me in […]
