BOOK REVIEW: Theatre of Dreams by Nikhil Krishnan

Posted May 24, 2016 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books, Reviews / 6 Comments

Theatre of Dreams by Nikhil Krishnan
Genres: Fiction, Sports, YA

There are times when I feel to like shorter book reviews. I had done it only once in a previous post, and the feedback was not good. Irrespective of the feedback, I am going to make one more try this time. The reason of this you will understand in the end of the post.

Theatre of Dreams by Nikhil Krihsnan starts with a bang. It’s a story about town which adores football (or soccer, as you prefer, as did the author) and the plot revolves around Roman Valka, a young talent when discovered, brings excitement to the whole town and given the hope of winning the victory they are awaiting of some years.

Well it’s not all about football, as plot moves forward and drags in bits, as the pages turn, author diverts the focus of his story on elements like love and hate which does make things interesting for a while but the plot starts to drag again. Till the end, the book revolves around the protagonist aforementioned, but there are characters to be considered, or I would have mentioned, if the characterisation had been any better.

The writing fails to grab my attention as much as the plot aroused my curiosity on reading the blurb on the back cover, since it is not up to the mark. The are lot of editing errors, or unedited corrections to be done and I am very disappointed by the fact that publishers had guts to send the book in this format. (Tip for publishers: If you are sending a book to readers for review, make sure to check to proofread).

1 out of 5



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