BOOK REVIEW: Origami Birds by Tanya Jain

Posted March 6, 2018 by @amanhimself in Books / 2 Comments

BOOK REVIEW: Origami Birds by Tanya JainOrigami Birds by Tanya Jain
Published by Notionpress on 13/09/2017
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 100
Format: eBook
Origami Birds is a collection of forty-four poems written by Tanya Jain. In order to reach a reader’s heart these poems do cover a lot of topics that some of them might be considered sensitive but then I guess poetry is a way of expressing one’s feelings and a way for those who read them to share those expressions and feel a warmth in their heart too. It works both ways.
The title of this collection is rightly justified. When I received, I was curious about it and found a satisfactory verse that introduced me to it at the start:
Some birds are free,
Some birds are caged.
This origami bird is
molded from a page.
Set her free,
Or let her be.

Some of her verses are short some have a good length but I did not find anyone that might not justify its length. The poet here has a clear and a unique way to express her thoughts. The rhyming of phrases did not ever once feel that they are going out of the way nor they are strictly rhyming.
Some of my favorite poems from the book that truly shows Tanya as a poet and touched me are Priceless, Marriage, Strange Love Affair, Wheels of Time and Overlaps.
Some of them might seem an expression of darkness but it, either way, shows her vulnerability that allowed her to express her feelings in a complete manner. It is good to be vulnerable at times, both for women and men, it shows the true side of self and the insecurities we run away or hide them as skeletons in our closet.
The whole collection is mere 100 pages and is enjoyable. I do recommend you to get a cup of coffee or tea, and read bit by bit for as a reader to observe what the poet wants to say through her verses. Poetry does help to saturate the thoughts of a chaotic mind.
4 out of 5!


2 responses to “BOOK REVIEW: Origami Birds by Tanya Jain

  1. Blogging has led me to many poets, and it is good to see people publishing their verse. Collections, chosen with care, can add an extra dimension to each poem, and help to generate a better understanding of the poet’s approach. Thank you for this review.

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