GUEST POST- Gun Control by Richard Rensberry

Posted December 26, 2015 by @amanhimself in Guest Post / 5 Comments

Time flies, doesn’t it. Well, this the 12th and the last guest post of the Guest Post program I started earlier this year. Next year, I won’t be conducting this ones a month activity. But if anyone is interested in writing as a Guest for Confessions of a Readaholic, drop an email.

Gun Control

by Richard Rensberry

The recent developments on the gun control front have me scratching my head.  Those who will be violent will be violent whether that have a gun or not.  Gun control is the wrong target when it comes to lessening acts of violence, it only serves to create its counterpart; unchallenged and unrestrained violence.  Just look at the unrestrained violence that happened recently in Paris as proof of the illegitimacy of gun control.

The byproduct of gun control is arms only being in the hands of the violent offensive front, be it criminals, terrorists, drug cartels, governments, you name it.  This end product is the complete opposite of what should be stressed.  What should be stressed is the ownership and skilled use of guns by responsible citizens who would then have the capability to curtail the the irresponsible governmental and criminal elements.  The bad guys will always retain or manufacture weapons no matter if all guns were labeled illegal and taken away from the general citizenry.  

Gun control  results in having the wrong people unarmed.  Law abiding and honest working citizens are the ones that require guns and should be armed to protect themselves, their families and friends, their communities, etc..  Where this ability is absent, there is no freedom from oppression by tyrannical governments and criminal thugs.  For this reason the second amendment to the United States constitution exists, it exists to protect the lives and rights of the people, not the lives and rights of criminals and oppressive governments.  Guns are a vital element in the maintenance of a free society whether one likes it or not.


One Bullet A Poem

We the people within reason

maintain our integrity to defend


our freedom of religion,

ourselves, our families and the constitution

of the United States.  We refuse to bend

when it comes to criminals, political correctness

and the second amendment.


Sane people within reason

believe their Nation

is under God, indivisible

with inalienable rights

and justice for all.

To the republican and the democrat,

to the socialist, liberalist and supreme justices,

to universities and psychiatrists

going weak in the knees on common sense;

until we see higher purpose,

true awakening of judgement and reason

within self, nation and the world,

we will relinquish our guns

one bullet at a time.


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