Goodreads Challenge Completed, Me Too!

Posted January 1, 2016 by @amanhimself in Books / 22 Comments

Last year, I did read some good books and a bit of great ones. My main aim to read as much diverse books, diverse being from different genre, and authors which I haven’t read before, was accomplished honourably. I did also read a few debut authors, which you can find me recommending in the ‘lists‘ posts before. The experience I gained from reading many different genres is like tasting every bowl of soup on the table yet the bowls keep on coming. There are many different flavours which I haven’t tasted before.

The habit of recording each and every book read on Goodreads is an amazing thing. Not only it motivates me to read more, but also keeps a full track of the days I managed to read them.

Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 12.31.53 AM
A glimpse of the reading challenge I challenged myself.

The current year, I will be challenging a bigger number to myself and with all the life’s daily anomalies it will be one task to conquer.


22 responses to “Goodreads Challenge Completed, Me Too!

  1. Matt

    Congratz, that’s so awesome.
    By the way, I really like memoir/autobiography genre, can you please give me some suggestion?

  2. I feel I have done my fair share of diverse reading as of late. Mind you, I do not think I will be going down that road again.

    I had decided to read all of the greats (Moby Dick, Lolita, Alice in Wonderland, ect.), and I could not bring myself to read my old favorites afterwards (for some weeks).

    I had become an elitist (gasp!)!

          • I actually picked up the Mistborn series. I write “fantasy”, but not Tolkien. In truth, I find it rather silly (elves and magic and whatnot). Mistborn is just that, but I am not… hating it.

          • I am not that experienced either with elves, and magic or Tolkien. Well every fantasy can’t be Tolkien and I love the fact that a genre in itself can be so diverse with different elements. Not necessarily magic.

          • Well, I use Tolkien just to generalize high fantasy, which is magic and otherworldly creatures like dragons. Most of the high fantasy I’ve read felt as though it could all fit in the same universe (ie. unoriginal).

            That may because I do not read enough, but it has kept me from relatively reluctant to read much of the genre.

          • I did get your Tolkien point. I felt same about science fiction until I started reading books in that genre and observed even though content is not good enough, sometimes, the imagination used by the writer is tremendous. I remember reading Wilson Gibson Neuromancer, the story was plain, slow but the quality of the idea was tempting. I think the idea SciFi/Fantasy books present to a reader is they are all about, in average cases.

          • I agree that a story can be… less than perfect, but be of exceedingly rich creativity, but I disagree that such originality makes up for the poor prose. I will have to give Neuromancer a skim, however, if it is as creative as you say.

          • By content and the originality I meant the writing style, the narration, not the original things that a writer puts in all by himself. I guess I used the wrong reference for my point. Apologies!
            The Neuromancer, the time it was written is for me an extraordinary thing as a technology enthusiast. The concept is a reality nowadays, don’t know how much of it was practical back in 1984.

  3. True, true. That is one of the powerful aspects of fantasy (and sci-fi), but that is also the reason the genre is not often cast in an “elitist” light. It can get a little too silly!

  4. […] with the start of this amazing year. This year, I challenged myself to read 150 books, incrementing the amount of books from last year’s challenge(2015) by 25. At first I wasn’t event sure that I’d be able to complete the challenge and then after […]

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