BOOK REVIEW: The Untethered by S. W. Southwick

Posted July 20, 2017 by @amanhimself in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

The Untethered by S. W. Southwick
Genres: Fiction

Pages: 630, Kindle Edition | Fiction | Fantasy

Published: February, 1, 2017 by Roble Arrow Publishing Ink

Rating: 5/5

‘Harmony of Ayn Rand’s philosophy in modern day Fiction’.

Not everyone is a big fan of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and many agree with her at some point or the other, after reading her famous fables like The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Both of these books are perfect example of master storyteller plus her writing or her philosophy will have a devastating effect on the reader. Such is Southwick’s The Untethered. Based on similar principles, will keep you awake at night.

The blurb of the book goes like this:

A juvenile delinquent chases his dream to build the greatest aircraft in history–and the world tries to stop him.

A rising political star runs from her childhood dream–and the world encourages her on.

A self-loathing geneticist hides below the streets of Las Vegas–and rebels against the whole world.

An artist tries to make his father proud–at the cost of everything he loves.

When all four lives collide, each must make a choice. And the world will never be the same.

The storyline can be described in one sentence: People with dreams, will attain them, no matter what may come. All major characters, as you may have guessed from the blurb, have different dreams and obstacles to conquer and take a step ahead towards their own dreams. Roble is a troubled juvenile who wants to build a powerful aircraft. Alexa, a political star, runs away from her childhood dreams. Stock is the rebellion but with a brilliant mind. And lastly, Danny, who is in constant need of assurance from his family.

This book is written in third-person narrative which starts to drive forward on its own once a reader is indulged in it, immensely. The pace of the plot varies as bits of climax starts rising, the pace increases drastically, successfully creating the element of thrill which this book has lots of and making it a page turner. The plot of the book is not uniform in the start but one will not fail to notice the it becomes mature as the writer’s imagination unfolds.

The characters are an important aspect for a book like this. Indeed, Southwick has given a lot of emphasis from the start of the book in the development of them. You will not be disappointed or confused to understand any of the character in this book, and enough information is provided whenever necessary, by the author to understand his creations better. Writing is flawless, and philosophy reflected through the storyline and the characters has similarities to that of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. I do appreciate author’s effort of mixing, I am guessing, his own philosophical nature without letting characterisation getting abrupt.

There are a lot of reasons to try and pick this book as your next read. Sense of mystery and adventure is one. If you are in awe of Rand, and looking for something in the boundaries of fiction, you may pick it up. Another reason could be that it is a page turner. You’ll can have your own rationalisation or you can pick one of the three I mentioned.

5 out of 5! Recommended!

Note: I received this book from the author but that doesn’t mean my review is breaking all the rules.

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0 responses to “BOOK REVIEW: The Untethered by S. W. Southwick

    • SW Southwick

      This is the author, SW Southwick. The woman on the cover is Alexa (aka Sitra), one of the main characters — “the rising politician running from her childhood dream.” Her hair wrapping around her body in a jet-black-stream is described in her backstory (chapter 21). And anyone who has read the book would likely guess that the pilot in the fighter jet is Roble Santos.

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